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例句 Wait till I get you outside, and I'll sort you out!等着,看我不把你揪到外面揍你!I'll get Terry to check the wiring for me.我会让特里帮我检查线路。If you get under 50 percent, you fail the exam.如果考分低于总分的一半,你就没有及格。I didn't get a close look at the driver, but I think he was middle-aged.我没有看清楚那司机,不过我想他是个中年人。She disguised herself as a musician to get into the concert hall early.她假扮成音乐家,早早混进了音乐厅。It always tickled her to get a card from them.收到他们的贺卡总让她很开心。He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.他会竭尽全力去争取自己想要的东西。We had to travel separately as we couldn't get seats on the same flight.我们没买到同一次航班的票,因此只能分开走。You'll get a bang out of this story.你会喜欢这个故事的。We want to get at the truth. Who killed him? And why?我们想查明真相。是谁杀了他?为什么?Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.例如,青少年的性行为可能并不是源于真正的情欲,而是出于一种对爱的需要。Remember to get your application in by the end of the week.别忘了在周末前递交申请。It was Sunday morning, and she was not inclined to get up yet.那是星期天早上,她还不想起床。The new measures are intended to get the business back on its feet.新措施的目的是使企业东山再起。If you're lucky, you'll get off with a fine.你运气好的话,罚点钱就可以了。I don't know how those early settlers managed to get through the winter.我不知道这些早期的定居者是如何熬过冬天的。You'll probably be gone by the time I get back.等我回来的时候你可能已经走了。Where did the bullet get him?子弹击中他什么部位? He's never going to get that finished in a month of Sundays!他才不会把它完成呢!Where did you get the inspiration for the book?你这本书的灵感来自哪里?You came in last—you win/get the booby prize.你是最后一个到的,中末名奖了。We expect him to get the Democratic nomination.我们期待他能获得民主党提名。We'll get down at the next station.我们下一站下车。Dinner will be ready by the time you get back.你们回来的时候晚餐将会准备好了。It was a bit of a struggle for me to get there so early.这么早赶到那里,对我来说有点儿费劲儿。I called the office to get some information.我给那个办事处打电话询问了一些信息。If you don't play regularly, you soon get out of practice.如果你不经常练习,技艺就会生疏。We're not going to get very far if we don't trust each other.我们如果彼此不信任就不会取得很大的进展。Sometimes you'll get back and find that things have changed, so you'll be flying by the seat of your pants for a while.有时候你回过头来发现情况又变了,就暂时要摸着石子过河了。At my age I would find it hard to get another job.到了我这个年纪自己就会发觉很难再找到一份工作了。We were glad to get shot of that old car.我们很高兴终于把那辆旧车处理掉了。Her throat was so swollen that she couldn't get the tablets down.她喉咙肿得很厉害,吞不下药片。I never relaxed that day; I just couldn't get loose.那天我一直很紧张,就是没办法放松下来。This old computer is a goner. We'll have to get a new one.这台旧电脑不行了,我们得买台新的。How do we get ourselves into these messes?我们怎么会让自己陷入这样的困境中呢?Shoppers will get a temporary reprieve from the new sales tax.购物者将可以暂时免交新的销售税。I was bitterly disappointed when I didn't get into college.没能考上大学,我失望极了。Every four weeks we get a briefing from the managers, giving us the state of play.我们每四个星期就收到各位经理的工作简报,向我们通报进展情况。They try to get you to spill the beans about your private life.他们试图让你透露自己的私生活。The credibility of your work will suffer if you get your facts wrong.如果你把事实搞错了,会降低你工作的可信度。




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