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词汇 anticlimax
例句 Going back to work after a month travelling in China is bound to be an anticlimax.在中国旅行了一个月之后回去上班肯定很扫兴。Even when you win a match there's often a sense of anticlimax - you always feel you could have played better.即使在赢了比赛的时候,你也常会有一种不尽人意的感觉——总是觉得本来可以打得更好一些。The day had proved something of an anticlimax.这天结果很让人扫兴。When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.你期盼的事情一旦成真时,你却常常会感到并不如想象的那样令人兴奋。It was sad that his international career should end in such anticlimax.他的国际比赛生涯就这样暗淡收场,真是可悲。To be back in the office after the excitement of yachting is an anticlimax.经历了驾艇出游的兴奋之后回来重坐办公室,真是扫兴。The last chapter of the book was an anticlimax.这本书的最后一章是败笔。The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them.在学生们一番忙碌准备之后,随之而来的考试却出乎意料地平淡。Going back to work after a month travelling in China was bound to be an anticlimax.到中国旅行了一个月后回去工作肯定令人觉得单调乏味。The movie ended in anticlimax.这部电影的结尾让人失望。His speech was a bit of an anticlimax.他的演讲有些虎头蛇尾。




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