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词汇 generous
例句 It took a generous helping of entrepreneurial confidence to persevere during this incident.在这一事件中坚持下来是有了充足的创业信心的。John's become very generous with the wine!约翰不停地奉上美酒!Charity embraces all acts of generous giving.慈善包括所有慷慨给予的行为。The library has received a generous bequest from a local businessman.图书馆从当地一位商人那里得到了一大笔遗赠。We will all miss her generous spirit.我们都会怀念她的慷慨大方。If he has a fault at all, it is that he is too generous.如果他有什么缺点的话,那就是他太慷慨了。She isn't anywhere near as generous as her sister.她一点都不像姊姊那样慷慨大方。They were exceedingly generous.他们非常慷慨大方。The museum is deeply indebted to its many generous patrons.这家博物馆深深受惠于它的众多慷慨赞助人。Barry's kind, caring and generous to a fault.巴里的友好、体贴和大方过了头。The company offers bonuses, stock options, and a generous benefit package.这家公司提供奖金、股份和一揽子丰厚的津贴。He's generous, but there are always strings attached. 他很大方,但总有附加条件。I am so amazed at how caring and generous people are here.我很惊叹这里的人那么有爱心,那么慷慨。He needed a generous helping of self-confidence to ask for a raise.他需要有双倍的自信才能提出加薪的要求。He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.他从不吝啬与人分享自己渊博的知识。My sister's really generous. She's always buying things for her friends.我姐姐非常大方,她总是给朋友买东西。He heaped the plate with a generous serving of meat and potato pie.他在盘子上堆满了肉和马铃薯馅饼。You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.慷慨留下您的遗产,改写他人的人生。Jim is very generous with his time.吉姆很不吝惜他的时间。She was generous enough to overlook my little mistake.她非常宽宏大量,不计较我的小过失。I am writing to thank you for your generous gift.我写信是要感谢你送的大礼。Her sensitive, generous response is a gift beyond price.她那体贴、大度的回应是一份无价的礼物。It was generous of them to ask Anna along.他们邀请安娜一起去,真是大方。She's very generous with her praise.她毫不吝惜赞美之词。The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.除非能在今后几个月中找到一位捐赠者慷慨解囊,否则这家慈善机构将会倒闭。He was very generous to her when they divorced, and let her keep the house and the car.他们离婚时,他对她十分慷慨,把房子和汽车都留给了她。She was a handsome Spanish woman with a passionate nature and a warm, generous heart.她是个漂亮的西班牙女人,情感热烈,心地温厚而慷慨。They have been extremely generous to the church.他们对教会极为慷慨。He has been given the unenviable task of going round, cap in hand, to various generous companies.他被分配了一个苦差,要点头哈腰地去拜访那些愿意掏钱资助的公司。She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion.她对我一直都很好,有时甚至还很慷慨。The position is rewarded with a generous salary package.这一职位的薪资待遇非常好。He's very generous despite his somewhat severe manner.尽管他的举止有些严肃,但是他为人很慷慨。The review panel criticized the payments as overly generous.审查小组批评这些开销太过手松。Everyone loved Mary. She was the kindest, most generous person in the world.人人都喜欢玛丽。她是世界上最善良、最慷慨的人。Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.道格拉斯是个复杂的男人,体贴、殷勤又大方。Many car dealers offer a generous trade-in allowance.许多汽车经销商为以旧换新交易提供优厚的折扣。He poured himself a generous measure of cognac.他给自己倒了一大杯科尼亚克白兰地。He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.他是个热情、大方、善良的人。It was entirely in character for a generous person like her to give him the money.像她那样的慷慨之人,给他那笔钱完全符合她的性格。She is a generous tipper.她给小费很大方。




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