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词汇 impurities
例句 There are traces of impurities in the gold.黄金里留有微量杂质的痕迹。During clarification, impurities were removed from the cane juice.在净化过程中,甘蔗汁中的杂质被去除了。They flushed impurities from the system. = They flushed impurities out of the system.他们把设备里的污秽物冲洗掉了。Is the water polluted?You can boil out the impurities.这水污染了吗?你可以用煮沸方法去掉杂质。Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.油经过提炼去除天然存在的杂质。Filtering the water removed some of its impurities.把水过滤一下除去了一些杂质。The water is free of impurities.这水不含杂质。All natural minerals contain impurities.凡天然矿物都含有杂质。Lime is added to the liquid metal to remove all the impurities .往液态金属里加入石灰以去除所有的杂质。The syrup is strained to remove impurities.糖浆经过滤去除了杂质。Our oatmeal face mask absorbs impurities from your skin.我们的燕麦面膜吸收皮肤上的杂质。The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂里的空气要经过过滤,以清除其中的杂质。The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂的空气经过滤以清除污染物。The material is processed to separate out the impurities.这种材料经过加工处理分离出杂质。The water is filtered to remove any impurities.这种水经过滤以去除杂质。Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded.一旦杂质沉淀下去,油就可以分级了。They've begun filtering their water to remove impurities.他们已经开始将水进行过滤,以去除杂质。




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