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例句 Research has generally supported these predictions.调查研究普遍支持这些预测。Around here the countryside generally is nothing special.这周围的乡村总的来说没有什么特别的。Industrial workers are generally paid by the hour.产业工人通常按小时来付工资。Working-class incomes have generally kept pace with increases in the cost of living.工人阶层收入的增长大致与生活费用的上涨同步。I generally go shopping on Saturday.我一般周六去购物。There is no generally accepted definition of life.关于生活的定义不一而足。It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.形容词一般放在所修饰名词的前面是英语中的一条规律。The children are generally amenable to our wishes.孩子们大体上顺从我们的意愿。He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.他常不招人待见,而且被看作是个自负的大傻帽儿。The proposal has received a generally favourable reaction.人们对这项提议的反应是普遍赞成。Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special.湖四周的乡村总的来说没有什么特别的。Government analysts generally believe that the recession is over.政府分析家们普遍认为经济衰退已经结束。In the US, minorities and immigrants have generally gone into low-paid, unskilled jobs.在美国,少数族裔和移民一般都会从事低薪水、无需特殊技能的工作。The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.年长者一般需要的休息时间比年轻人要少得多,而且往往会分成几个小段时间睡觉。Birthrates in developed countries are generally very low.发达国家的出生率一般都很低。Traders generally travel safely through the border.商人通常可以安全通过边界。That fact is not generally known.那事实并不广为人知。Kindness is generally reciprocal.盛情通常是有来有往的。Einstein's theory of relativity is now generally accepted.爱因斯坦的相对论现在被普遍接受了。People are generally less obsessed about getting a tan than they used to be.现在人们一般都不像以前那样一心要把自己晒黑了。The literary establishment generally looks down on artists.文学界一般说来看不起画家。These stock are generally calved down when little more than two years old.这些牲畜通常刚到两岁就产犊了。It is generally assumed that they were lovers.大家普遍认为他俩是恋人。The problems generally fall into two categories.问题一般分为两类。It is generally true that the darker the fruit, the higher its iron content.一般来说,水果颜色越深,含铁量就越高。The experience has made him generally hostile to women.这段经历使他对所有女性都产生了敌意。Part-time work is generally hard to find.一般说来,兼职工作很难找。The second trimester is generally the easiest part of a pregnancy.一般说来,第二个三月期是怀孕期间最轻松的一段时间。Though they were generally poles apart politically, they did agree on this one issue.尽管他们的政见通常相去甚远,但在这个问题上倒是意见一致。He wants more money to be given to the arts generally.他希望各艺术门类都能得到更多的资金。Relations between workers and management are generally good.劳资关系总的来说不错。It was generally accepted that force might be necessary.人们普遍认为可能有必要使用武力。Stocks generally outperform other investments.股票总体上要优于其他投资。Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.蓄意阻挠一般在法律执行阶段特别明显。Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods.一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是顶级美味。It is generally conceded that they are the superior team. 大家普遍认可他们队更胜一筹Things generally hot up a few days before the race.比赛的前几天气氛一般变得热烈起来。The club was generally restricted to the upper social brackets.该俱乐部的会员一般局限于社会的上层人士。He was generally feeling bad. He just couldn't shake it off.他整个人感觉不太舒服,总是好不了。Ancient Athens is generally thought of as the cradle of democracy.古代雅典通常被认为是民主的摇篮。




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