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词汇 general election
例句 The Guardian scooped the other newspapers with an early report on the general election.《卫报》抢在其他报纸之前报道了大选。Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election.税收将会是下次大选的主要议题之一。The Government has cleared the decks for an early general election.政府已经为提前举行大选做好了一切准备。At the general election, the faithful defected in droves.在大选时,大批忠实的支持者倒戈。That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election.工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。In a general election, every candidate will be held accountable for the peccadillos he made in the past.在普选时,每一个候选人都要为他过去犯下的小瑕疵负责。The announcement of the general election galvanized the party members into action.宣布举行大选促使该党成员行动起来。They helped to bankroll the party's general election campaign.他们参与资助了该党的大选。They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election.他们设法在大选前把这项决议草案匆匆通过。They are running three candidates in the general election.他们在大选中提出三个候选人参加竞选。The Democratic Party was narrowly defeated in the general election, and will form a coalition with the Congress party.民主党在大选中以很小的差距落败,将与国会党组成联盟。A general election became a certainty three weeks ago.大选在三周前已势在必行。The general will rule by decree until a general election.在大选之前这位将军将通过发布政令管理国家。He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election.他说他将寻求团结保守党,赢得下届大选。When the forces of our two parties are conjoined together, we may stand a chance of winning the general election.当我们两党的力量融合在一起的时候,我们就可能赢得大选。The prime minister decided to fight an early general election.首相决定提前大选,准备披挂上阵。The date for the celebration was preempted for the general election.原定举行庆祝活动的日期改为举行大选了。The general election campaign gets underway today.大选活动今天开始进行。There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.敢于预测大选结果的人不是很多。As things stand, a general election looks unlikely.就目前情况来看,大选似乎不太可能举行。Neither bill became law because the general election intervened.因为大选的干扰,两个提案都没有成为法律。The move was timed to coincide with the general election.此举措被安排在大选举行的时候出台。In the Greek general election, the New Democracy party has claimed victory.在希腊大选中新民主党获胜。The party wants to force a general election after widespread complaints about the government's reforms.在政府改革广受非议之后,该政党想要强行举行大选。They fared badly at the last general election.在上次大选中,他们的情况很糟。That country is on the edge of a general election.那个国家马上就要进行普选了。Against the run of the polls, the Socialist Workers' Party won Sunday's general election by an unexpectedly large margin.工人社会党逆转乾坤,出乎意料地以较大优势获得了星期天大选的胜利。The country is in the throes of a general election.这个国家正处于大选的困境中。It seems many people would vote for the government, at a general election, if there was a new leader.如果有一个新领导人的话,大选时似乎许多人都会投票支持政府。We do not envisage a general election for at least another two years.我们预计,至少今后两年内不会举行大选。He had won a comfortable victory in the general election.他在大选中轻松获胜。Appeals are common when a general election is in the offing.大选在即,民众呼声如潮。The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election.抵制选举的呼吁足以注定下周大选失败的命运。Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.他们最关心的问题肯定是赢得下一次大选。The country is in the throes of a general election.该国正忙于大选。The hope placed on the general election may be too sanguine.对大选所抱的希望也许过分乐观了。That won't win them the general election.那不会让他们赢得大选。




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