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词汇 gay
例句 Carl felt I'd been deceiving him all these years by not telling him I was gay.这么多年来我一直没有告诉卡尔我是同性恋者,他觉得我这是在欺骗他。He's waffled on abortion and gay rights.他在堕胎和同性恋权利问题上立场模糊。I am in good health, gay, and free.我健康、快乐、无拘无束。Most of the people who come to the club are heterosexual, but we do get a small number of gay men.来这个俱乐部的人多数是异性恋,但确实也有一小部分男同性恋。The streets were gay and full of people.大街上色彩缤纷,熙熙攘攘。Several gay politicians have been outed in recent months.近几个月来,数名政客的同性恋身份被揭露了。Today, we see growing acceptance of gay marriage - something that would have been unthinkable a generation ago.今天我们对同性婚姻的接受程度越来越高,在上一代的时候这是难以想象的事。He writes Westerns in which the main characters are gay.他写美国西部小说,其中的主角都是同性恋。We had a gay old time down at the dance hall.我们在下面舞厅玩得开心极了。Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利。He has been openly gay from an early age.他年轻时大家就已经知道他是同性恋。Women have peddled the myth that all decent men are either married or gay.女人们中间流传有这样的荒诞说法:体面的男人要么已经结婚,要么是同性恋。The gay community is transcending the narrow confines of the ghetto.同性恋人群不再局限于贫民窟的狭窄圈子。The Advocate, a national gay magazine, outed the congressman.一本全国性的同性恋杂志《倡导者》揭发了这位国会议员是同性恋者。Teenagers are often confused about their sexuality, for example whether they are gay or straight.青少年往往会对自己的性倾向产生疑惑,比如说自己究竟是同性恋还是异性恋。The policy forbids any form of discrimination against gay and lesbian students.这项政策禁止以任何形式歧视同性恋学生。The march celebrates gay pride. 这次游行颂扬同性恋者的自豪。Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.许多同性恋艺人不愿公开承认同性恋身份。She had put behind her memories of the gay young girl who nightclubbed until all hours.她不再去想她过去年轻快乐时常去夜总会玩到很晚的那个时光了。Budding gay novelist Larry Kramer is enjoying success at last.崭露头角的同性恋小说家拉里·克雷默终于尝到了成功的滋味。Her dress was gay and flowered.她的花连衣裙鲜艳夺目。She gave a gay laugh.她发出了欢快的笑声。The film is full of stereotypes: a stupid blonde, a fat American tourist, and a gay man with huge muscles.这部影片里充满了模式化的形象:一个蠢笨的金发女郎、一个肥胖的美国游客和一个肌肉发达的男同性恋者。He didn't even realize that Elton John was gay!他甚至没有意识到埃尔顿·约翰是个同性恋!Oberlin College has a large gay, lesbian, and bisexual student group.奥伯林学院有一个很大的男女同性恋和双性恋学生群体。He was jailed for four years for blackmailing gay businessmen.他因敲诈同性恋的商人而被监禁了四年。She felt excited and quite gay.她感到既兴奋又非常高兴。Over 3,000 gay couples have married since it became legal for them to do so last year.自从去年同性恋婚姻合法化之后,已有三千多对同性恋者结为夫妻。For the sake of appearances we chin-chinned and tried to look gay.为了装装样子,我们互相举杯祝酒,尽量表现出快乐的神情。It's a fallacy that gay men are more promiscuous than heterosexuals.认为同性恋男子比异性恋男子的生活更加淫乱,这是一个很常见的谬论。The sofa was adorned with a gay print slipcover.沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。The shops were gay with Christmas decorations.圣诞装饰使商店色彩斑斓。Do any US states currently recognize gay marriage?美国目前有哪个州承认同性婚姻吗?The president's record with gay rights groups has been good.总统与同性恋权利团体打交道有着良好的纪录。When it comes to gay sex, fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other.在同性恋问题上,原教旨主义者和天主教徒很乐意相互合作。I left the gay saloons of New York for the green glades of the country.我离开了纽约欢乐的酒店,来到乡村绿色的林间空地。Kirkland is an especially popular figure in the gay community.柯克兰是一个在同性恋圈子中特别受欢迎的人物。I am happy and free, in good health, gay and cheerful.我快活自由,身体健康,积极乐观。Many young people are unwilling to admit that they are gay because they fear being ostracized.许多年轻人因担心受排斥而不愿承认自己是同性恋者。Denmark recently legalized marriage between gay couples.丹麦最近从法律上承认了同性恋夫妻的婚姻。




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