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词汇 police station
例句 He stood on an identification parade at the police station.他站在警察局的辨认队列中。At the police station, I was charged with assault.在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。Her car was stolen from outside the police station, which is pretty ironic.她的汽车在警察局外面被盗,真令人啼笑皆非。At the police station they asked me the same questions all over again.在警局里他们又再问了我同样的问题。The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations.这个喝醉了的司机因违反交通规则而被带进了警察局。The car came to a halt outside the police station.汽车在警察局外面停了下来。She went to the police station and made/gave a full confession.她去警察局供认了全部罪行。He went to the police station and spoke to the duty officer.他去警察局找了那个值班警员。It is understood he failed a breath test and was taken to a police station for further checks.据了解,他未能通过呼气测醉试验,已被带至警察局接受进一步检查。Hicks was taken to the police station, strip searched, and put in a holding cell.希克斯被带到警察局,光身搜查后,关进了拘留室。The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station.该影片是在一所破旧不堪的警察局里拍摄的。He was taken to the police station for questioning.他被带到警察局问话。The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church.炸弹摧毁了一处警察局,并使一座教堂严重受损。The arrested man will almost certainly be kept at this police station.几乎可以肯定,被逮捕的男子将被扣押在该警察局。They brought him down to the police station for questioning.他们把他带到警局讯问。He was arrested and taken to the police station for fingerprinting.他被逮捕了,并被带到警察局做了指纹采样。Her passport had been stamped and countersigned by the duty sergeant at the police station.她的护照已经被警局的值班警官盖章并会签了。At the police station, she was grilled for twenty-four hours.她在警察局被拷问了二十四小时。She asked a scruffy-looking little boy to show her the way to the police station.她请一个邋遢相的小男孩带她去警察局。He was arrested, taken to the police station, and fingerprinted.他被逮捕了,并被带到警察局做了指纹采样。At the police station he was formally charged with murder.他在警察局被正式指控犯有谋杀罪。They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station.他们逮捕了这些人,并把他们押送到当地警察局。Intrigue surrounds a woman who walked into a police station having lost her memory.一个失忆的女人走进警察局,她被裹挟进了阴谋之中。Police are encouraging people to turn illegal weapons in at their local police station.警方鼓励人们将非法拥有的武器上交到当地的警察局。The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station.出租车司机载着他们绕了个大圈才到警察局。The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station.电影是在一个老旧的警察局拍摄的。Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station.穿上全套防暴装备的警察在警察局外待命。The pickpocket was haled into the police station.扒手被硬拖进警察分局。They dragged him off to the police station.他们把他拉到警察局去。It is ironic that the robber's car crashed into a police station.那辆劫匪的车居然撞进了警察局,这太好笑了。Mr Evans, I must ask you to come with me to the police station.埃文斯先生,我必须请你跟我去警察局。They frogmarched the men to the police station.他们将那些人押送到警察局。He was a constable at Sutton police station.他是萨顿警察局的警员。At the police station a charge sheet was made out.在警察局录了案。They walked gingerly past the police station.他们小心翼翼地走过警察局。Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation.嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。He spent a night in the cells at the local police station.他在当地警察局的隔离室里呆了一晚上。Visitors to the police station should report to the duty sergeant.造访警局者应当知会值班警长。The police have detained the suspected thief for questioning at the police station.警察把那个偷窃嫌疑犯扣留在警察局准备审讯。




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