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The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.这个指数是政府评判未来经济活动的主要标准。The temperature gauge indicated that it was boiling.温度计显示它在沸腾。The gauge indicates a temperature below freezing.测量器显示温度在冰点以下。The petrol gauge is still on full.汽油表显示汽油依然是满的。With no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time.既没有钟,又不见日光,很难判断时间。It is difficult to gauge accurately how much fuel is needed.难以精确估算出需要多少燃料。I tried to gauge the depth of her sleep by the rate of her respiration.我试图透过她的呼吸速率来测定她的睡眠深度。We tried to gauge the tide of public opinion. 我们努力判断公众舆论的走向。A 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene.在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎枪。When all the figures are available, it should be possible to gauge how much we'll need to spend.取得所有数据后应该就能够估算出我们需要花费多少了。The government is clearly testing the water, to gauge the country's reactions to their proposals.政府显然在试探国民对他们提议的反应。The tests will give parents a gauge of how their children are doing.这些考试可以让家长对孩子的学习状况有一个衡量的尺度。There was a pregnant pause during which she tried to gauge the effect of what she had said.她意味深长地停顿了一会儿,想要判断自己说过的话效果如何。We have the weather gauge, and that's like having the higher ground.我们处于上风位置,这就像占据高地一样。The amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of one's success.挣钱的多少不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。The fuel gauge was reading 'empty'.汽油表显示油已用完。The gauge shows the fuel level.这个仪表可以显示燃料的液位。Meg was able to gauge the distance to within an inch.梅格测量的距离,误差不会超过一英寸。The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。He eyed her cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.他谨慎地打量着她,估摸着她的反应。Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending.零售额是衡量消费支出的一个尺度。The thermostat will gauge the temperature and control the heat.恒温器可测量温度,并控制热度。This company is seen as a gauge of our industrial well-being.这家公司被视为衡量我们的工业是否呈良性发展的标尺。The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.这一指数是政府判断未来经济活动的主要依据。The temperature gauge indicated zero.温度计显示为零度。I failed to gauge the strength of her dislike.我没有估计到她如此反感。This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance.这已超出她的忍受范围。My car's gas gauge indicated that there was little gas left.我车上的汽油表显示剩下的油不多了。He does not believe that these tests are an accurate gauge of intelligence.他认为这些测试并不能准确测出智商。The servant tried to gauge his master's mood.那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。The instrument can gauge a distance with the push of a button.这台仪器只要一按按钮就能测出距离。The depth gauge tells you how deep you have dived.深度计可以显示潜水的深度。I looked at Chris, trying to gauge his reaction.我看着克里斯,琢磨着他会作出什么样的反应。The petrol gauge was already at zero.汽油表已到了零位。The gauge recorded the radiation level and announced it safe to return home.测量仪记录了辐射级,显示可以安全回家了。New orders are a gauge of how well manufacturers are doing.新订单是衡量厂商经营状况的一个尺度。The gauge must be giving a faulty reading.量表的显示肯定有误。We use focus groups, surveys, and questionnaires to try to gauge our customers’ needs.我们利用焦点小组、调查和问卷的形式来判断客户的需要。Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.用温度计测量一下温度。To gauge consumer reaction, we interviewed shoppers.为了对消费者的反应进行评估,我们对顾客进行了采访。 |