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词汇 gasped
例句 One of the boys hit him in the face, and he gasped with pain.一个男孩打在他脸上,他痛得吸了一口气。He gasped in dismay.他惊恐地倒抽了一口气。He gasped as the pain hit him.疼痛袭来时他大口地喘着气。The audience gasped at the splendour of the costumes.观众看到华丽的服装惊呆了。She blurted out his name, then gasped as she realized what she'd done.她脱口说出他的名字,接着当意识到自己所做的事时,她不禁倒吸一口凉气。I bobbed to the surface and gasped a lungful of air.我浮上水面,深吸了一口气。He gasped and heaved and vomited again.他又开始又喘又吐起来。I gasped and put up a hand to cover my mouth.我倒抽了一口气,然后用手捂住嘴巴。I gasped in horror.我惊恐地倒吸一口冷气。I gasped when I heard how much the ring had cost.我听到那枚戒指的价钱时,倒抽了一口气。She gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water.她喘了口气,吸入了一大口水。The exhausted runner threw himself down and gasped.筋疲力尽的赛跑运动员一头栽倒直喘气。The crowd gasped as the plane burst into flames.飞机突然起火燃烧时,人们倒吸一口气。He gasped as he saw how much destruction she had wrought with the hammer.看到她用锤子造成的破坏,他倒吸了一口气。Everyone gasped in astonishment as the cars came around the last bend.汽车转过最后一个弯道,人人都惊得倒抽了一口气。Bill choked and gasped, straining for air.比尔窒息了,喘着气,拼命想呼吸。The wounded soldier gasped out a few words.那个受了伤的士兵上气不接下气地说了几句话。She gasped when he suddenly appeared.他突然出现,令她倒抽一口气。He gasped as the freezing water hit his body.当冰冷刺骨的水袭向他的身体时,他倒抽了一口凉气。I gasped and took an involuntary step back.我倒吸一口冷气,不由自主地后退了一步。She broke through the surface of the water and gasped for air.她钻出水面急促地喘气。The horse gasped and took root.马喘着气,站住怎么也不肯走了。She gasped at his boldness.他的放肆令她倒抽一口气。Denise almost gasped aloud in astonishment.丹尼斯惊得差点儿大叫起来。Mom gasped in/with surprise at the sight of my sister's new haircut.妈妈看到妹妹的新发型时惊讶得倒抽了一口气。The young man gasped out thanks.那个年轻人上气不接下气地说了声谢谢。He gasped out the message.他气喘吁吁地说出了这个消息。Everyone gasped with astonishment.每个人都惊得倒吸了一口气。She gasped at the ghastly sight.那可怖的景象令她倒抽一口气。




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