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词汇 Garden
例句 It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel.已经和这一行人说好将在皇家花园宾馆吃午餐。They went to the hockey game at Madison Square Garden.他们去麦迪逊广场花园观看冰球比赛。The Garden State Bowl kicks off the postseason college football games.花园州橄榄球季后赛揭开了大学橄榄球季后赛的序幕。I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden.我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻。Garden tours are offered throughout the summer.整个夏天都可进行花园之旅。I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden.我喜爱歌剧,去年我搞到几张科芬园皇家歌剧院的票。Marilyn made her last public appearance at Madison Square Garden.玛丽莲最后一次公开亮相是在麦迪逊广场花园。Covent Garden is known for its shopping, eating, and clubbing.科文特花园以购物、餐饮和夜总会而闻名。She was also interested in singing the coloratura role at Covent Garden.她也有兴趣在考文特加登剧院的演出中扮演花腔女高音角色。She debuted at Covent Garden in Norma.她以《诺尔玛》中的角色在科文特花园首次亮相。You should have seen his roses! As good a show as in the Botanic Garden.你真该看看他种的玫瑰!就跟植物园里的一样绚丽迷人。I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother.我在科文特花园接上了她,然后带她和我母亲一起去吃午饭。Garden plants sometimes revert to type.庭园植物有时会回复到原来的野生形态。Garden BirdWatch became the largest year-round citizen science project in the world.花园观鸟成为世界上最大规模的常年公众科学活动。




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