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词汇 gap
例句 After a gap of two years, she went back to college.时隔两年,她重返大学就读。The gap between rich and poor has widened considerably.贫富之间的差距拉开得相当大了。A wide gap in the polls has opened up between the two candidates.两位候选人的民意支持率已经拉开了很大差距。A nuclear deterrent equalizes the gap in conventional weapons between the two countries.核威慑力量填补了两国在常规武器上的差距。It sounds like a useful filler of a gap in the market.这听上去像是能有效填补市场空白的东西。We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade.我们需要更多年轻科学家来填补未来十年将出现的退休浪潮所带来的人才缺口。He was on a gap year before going to university.他上大学前度过了一年间隔年。The gap between the boat and the pier was getting wider and wider.小船和码头之间的间距越来越大。Melanie's dentist says that as she gets older the gap between her two front teeth will disappear.梅拉妮的牙医说,她长大之后两颗门牙之间的缺口会消失的。We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view.我们正努力缩小我们观点之间的差距。He realized how narrow the gap was that separated him from his pagan ancestors.他意识到自己与异教徒祖先之间的差别是如此之小。I couldn't fit my head through the gap.我的头无法钻过这个缺口。Finding a gap, she thrust through the brambles.她发现了一处缺口,于是便从带刺的灌木丛中钻了过去。Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.像精明的商人一样,斯图尔特发现了市场上的一个空白。There is a credibility gap between what the mayor says and what the people see happening in the city.对于城市里发生的事,市长的说法与人们所看到的有差距。We stood on the footpath and waited for a gap in the traffic.我们站在人行道上等着机会过马路。This insurance is designed to fill a gap in welfare provision.这种保险就是为了填补福利服务没有覆盖的空白点。A huge gap has opened up between expectations and what is deliverable.期望与现实所得之间出现了巨大的反差。The other car closed the gap between them with frightening speed.另一辆车以骇人的速度驶入它们之间的空隙。Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between what he said and what he did.报纸纷纷谈及他言行上的反差。There is a yawning gap between rich and poor. 穷人和富人之间的贫富差距巨大。A credibility gap is almost inescapable between the generations.两代人之间的互不信任几乎是不可避免的。The gap between their salaries was beginning to narrow.他们的工资差距开始缩小。The company has exploited a lucrative gap in the market.该公司从市场空白中获利丰厚。She decided to take a gap year between high school and college.她决定在高中毕业后和上大学之前休一年的假。There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor.贫富差距越来越大。The more southerly route lay across a gap in the mountains.更南面的通道横穿山间的峡谷。The generation gap makes it hard for children to relate to their parents.代沟使得儿女们很难跟父母和睦相处。Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between her policies and her achievements.各家报纸都在议论她的政策和政绩之间存在差距。The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world.发达国家必须认识到世界范围内的贫富差距正在不断扩大。The gap between the rich and poor regions widened.富饶和贫困地区之间的差距扩大了。A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.从云缝中可以看到远在下方的大西洋。He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap.他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。The Home Secretary has ruled out immediate tax increases to plug the gap.内政大臣已经排除了立即增加税收以填补此缺口的可能性。The gang manhandled the stolen trailer through a gap in the fence.匪徒把偷来的拖车从篱笆的缺口处硬推过去。The child had a gap between her two front teeth.这小姑娘的两颗门牙之间有一道齿缝。We slowed right down and eased through the gap.我们立刻放慢速度,小心翼翼地在狭路上穿行。The gap between the rich and the poor is narrowing.贫富差距正在缩小。The gap between the rich and the poor has widened.贫富之间的差距扩大了。The gap seemed to be getting smaller.差距似乎正在缩小。




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