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词汇 game and
例句 I've seen through your little game and I know what you're really after!我已看穿你的小把戏,知道你真正的目的!They will air two semifinal games and the final.它们将播出两场半决赛和决赛。He stays up late, playing video games and listening to music. That's a teenager for you. 他熬夜玩电子游戏和听音乐,青少年就是这样。We played six games and we lost three.我们打了六场比赛,输了三场。Stop playing games and tell him what you really feel.别再闹着玩了,把你真实的感受告诉他。Four years ago, Lotto, an old-fashioned numbers game and the Italians' favourite punt, was still run on paper.四年前,老式数字彩票游戏乐透和意大利人喜欢的赌庄游戏依然在报纸上刊载。The team played both home games and away games.这支球队主客场都打过。Selling was my game and I intended to be a winner.销售是我的老本行,我想做一个成功的销售者。We won the first game and lost the second.我们赢了第一场,输了第二场。Three hours before the game and it was teeming.开赛三个小时前大雨如注。They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.他们用游戏和图画来阐明他们的主题。We amused ourselves with word games and the like.我们通过玩猜词游戏等活动来消遣。There will be live music and food, not to mention games and prizes for the whole family!届时将有现场演奏的音乐,有各种美食,更有各种游戏等待您全家来赢取大奖!Let's go to the football game and cheer for our school team.咱们去看足球比赛,为我们的校队呐喊助威。The team turned up trumps in the final game and won the championship.球队在决赛时发挥出色,获得了冠军。We played ten games and we lost eight.我们打了十场比赛,输了八场。The instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.教员利用游戏和图画把主题讲清楚。He's made it plain that he loves the game and wants to be involved still.他明确表示自己热爱这项运动,并仍想参与其中。The team has lost the last two games and, to make matters worse, two of its best players are injured.球队输了最近的两场比赛,而且更糟的是,两个最优秀的队员也受伤了。The home run ended the game and snuffed their chances to win a championship.这一记全垒打终结了比赛,也使他们夺冠的希望破灭了。Defeat is psychological. You lose one or two games and you stop believing you can win.失败是心理上的。如果你一两次比赛输了,就不会再认为自己会赢。So I went to the game and who should I see there if not my old friend Tom!于是我去看了比赛,竟然在那儿遇到了老朋友汤姆!Let's stop playing games and get down to business.咱们别胡闹了,开始干正事吧。The children were playing a game and their happy cries echoed through the house.孩子们在玩游戏,他们愉快的叫声在屋里回响。We played card games and hide-and-seek.我们打扑克,玩捉迷藏。You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash. 你赢了第一场,我赢了第二场,所以我们打了个平局。So I went to the game and who did I see there if it wasn't my old friend Tom!于是我去看了比赛,竟然在那儿遇到了老朋友汤姆!The women set up bingo games and bake sales to raise money for the charity.妇女们安排宾戈游戏,组织糕饼义卖会筹集善款。Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.别忘了她缺乏这方面的经验,完成任务还需要一些时间。We parceled up some games and toys to take to the Children's Home at Christmas.圣诞节我们把一些文娱用品和玩品包起来送到儿童之家去。Toys were few and far between, but the children invented games and played together.玩具很少,但孩子们自己想出游戏来一起玩。He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations.他没有上场比赛,而且由于没有参加赛后的庆祝活动而引起了大家的关注。Ball games and skateboarding are prohibited in this area.此处禁止打球和玩滑板。We played ten games and we lost four.我们打了十场比赛,输了四场。Murray has been working hard at his game and has progressed by leaps and bounds.默里在自己的行当里一直都很努力,并且也取得了相当大的进展。I love the game and I'd be lost without golf now.我热爱高尔夫运动,不打高尔夫我会很空虚。




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