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词汇 abstract
例句 Modern art is often rather abstract.现代艺术往往相当抽象。His work has never been a reaction against abstract expressionism.他的作品从来不是对抽象表现主义的反动。This debate is becoming too abstract - let's have some hard facts!这场辩论变得太空洞了,拿出一些具体的事实根据来吧!Gold is concrete, wealth is abstract.金子是具体的,财富是抽象的。Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree?有些人认为美本身是抽象的。你同意吗? She is interested in actual human relationships rather than abstract principles.她感兴趣的是人与人之间实际存在的关系,而不是抽象的原则。He lumped all of society's errors under a single abstract heading.他把所有的社会问题都归结在一个抽象的标题之下。Her books are filled with abstract ideas and high-flown language.她的书里充满了抽象概念和不切实际的语言。The law is abstract and coldly impersonal.法律既抽象又没人情味。A lot of people don't like abstract art.很多人都不喜欢抽象艺术。He is studying abstract/Chinese/watercolor painting.他正在学画抽象画/中国画/水彩画。The gallery is showing the work of abstract painters.画廊正在展出抽象派画家的作品。It's an abstract design that's supposed to represent freedom and strength.这是一种意在象征自由和力量的抽象设计。Language in the abstract is our facility to talk to each other.抽象意义上的语言就是指人们交谈的能力。I don't understand abstract art.我不懂抽象艺术。Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.迪恩•索科林围绕包裹起来的物体创造了抽象、忧伤而充满诗意的黑白影像。It's not a question of some abstract concept of justice.这不是某个抽象的正义概念的问题。His abstract paintings offended the art establishment.他的抽象画触怒了艺术界的权威。She finds it difficult to grasp abstract concepts.她觉得很难明白抽象的概念。Talking about crime in the abstract just isn't enough.抽象地谈犯罪根本就是不够的。What he said was abstract and difficult to understand.他的话抽象难懂。Much abstract sculpture is more vacuous than its realistic counterpart.许多抽象派雕塑较现实主义作品更为缺乏内容。A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.花是美丽的,可美丽本身则是抽象的。The book focuses on abstract analysis.这本书着重于抽象分析。I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.我难以理解抽象概念,我们讨论一些具体的案例吧。The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。His comments are just abstract theory and show little understanding of the realities of the situation.他的意见只是抽象的理论,对实际情况几乎毫无了解。A modern abstract painting takes over one complete wall.一幅现代派抽象画占据了一整面墙。The book provides concrete interpretations of some rather abstract concepts.这本书对某些颇为抽象的概念进行了具体的解释。He became famous as an abstract/landscape/Impressionist painter.他成为了一名著名的抽象派/风景/印象派画家。Your reasoning seems very abstract.你的推理似乎很抽象。These paintings are more abstract than her previous work.这些画作比她以往的作品更抽象。His canvases blend abstract and representational styles.他的一幅幅油画把抽象派和具象派的风格交融成一体。His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.他的绘画经历了具象风格和抽象风格两个阶段。You explain things in a way that is too abstract for me.你如此解释事物对我来说太深奥了。Harper made an abstract of Prof. Hunter's lecture.哈珀将亨特教授的讲座做了摘要。Many people find it difficult to understand abstract art.许多人都觉得抽象艺术很难明白。Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract.钱在她的脑海中只是个抽象的东西。It's not a question of some abstract concept.这不是某个抽象概念的问题。Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。




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