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词汇 furiously
例句 I poled furiously to ski even faster.我拼命地挥动滑雪杖,滑得更快了。The ducks paddled furiously to grab the bread.鸭子拼命地游去抢面包。He glared at me furiously.他愤怒地瞪着我。I was pedalling furiously to try to keep up with the other children.我拼命蹬车试图赶上其他的孩子。The dog was paddling furiously after the ducks.那条狗在水里拼命划水追赶那些鸭子。He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him.他怒不可遏地把门猛地一摔,冲出了公寓。He yelled at me furiously.他怒气冲冲地对我大叫。"Get out of here!" she shouted furiously.“滚出去!”她怒喝道。Officials worked furiously to repair the centre court.官员们下大力气整修中央球场。She could feel the blush rising furiously to her cheeks.她觉得自己的脸颊涨得通红。Police are working furiously to get to the bottom of this recent string of violent crimes.警方正努力查清最近一系列暴力犯罪的原因。A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew off.一只小鸟用力扑扇翅膀,向上飞去。She struggled furiously but could not get away.她拼命挣扎,但无法挣脱。The victim had obviously struggled furiously against her attacker.很明显,被害者曾与袭击者拼命搏斗过。Journalists surrounded her, furiously taking notes.记者们围着她,飞快地记着笔记。They attacked furiously in an effort to score a tying goal.他们猛烈进攻,企图得一分以打成平局。She twisted herself loose and cuffed him furiously.她挣脱了身子,狠狠地掴了他一巴掌。Students scribbled furiously as the professor lectured.教授讲课时,学生们狂记笔记。The bird flapped its wings furiously.鸟儿使劲地拍打翅膀。The furnace man's job was to pump away furiously at the bellows.火炉工的工作就是用力推拉风箱。She shouted at him furiously.她愤怒地朝他大吼。The students were all scribbling away furiously.学生们都在飞快地写个不停。He was sitting at his desk typing furiously.他坐在桌前疯狂地打着字。He tore into the larger boy, punching him furiously.他挥起拳头猛打那个大个男孩。The water in the saucepan was bubbling furiously.水在炖锅里咕嘟咕嘟地冒着泡。Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed, feeling furiously helpless.他经常和我开玩笑,直到我生气地跺脚尖叫,却又无可奈何。He furiously denied being racist.他竭力否认自己是种族主义者。We paddled furiously to the far side of the falls.我们飞快地划桨冲向瀑布远端。We paddled furiously against the waves cresting over the bow of our canoe.我们顶着船头翻涌的巨浪拼命划着独木舟。As the super-rich set the pace, everyone else spends furiously.在超级富豪们的带领下,其他人也都疯狂地花钱。The dog was barking furiously at a cat.那条狗冲着一只猫狂吠。Strachan reacted furiously to rumours that he was going to resign.斯特罗恩对他将要辞职的谣言反应激烈。The dog wagged its tail furiously.狗愤怒地摇着尾巴。The boxers were hitting furiously at each other.拳击选手正在激烈对打。He blinked furiously on his emergence into the light.他走出黑暗见到光亮时拼命眨眼。She pulled a pen out of her bag and began to scribble furiously.她从包里拿出一支笔开始起劲地写了起来。He paddled furiously against the current.他竭尽全力逆流划桨。The telephone was ringing furiously.电话铃声大作。She puffed furiously at her cigarette.她猛抽着香烟。




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