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词汇 function as
例句 We have a spare bedroom that also functions as a study.我们有一间空卧室可以当书房用。His function as a mayor affords him the leverage to get things done.他的市长身份使他有能力做成一些事情。One third of the room functions as workspace.房间的三分之一用作工作场所。The brain functions as a computer.大脑像计算机一样运行。He could no longer fulfil his function as breadwinner for the family.他再也无法承担家计了。Under socialism, many companies would be owned by the workers and would function as a cooperative.在社会主义制度下,许多公司可能是由工人所有,运转起来有些合作社的味道。The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。The spacious lobby also functions as a display area.宽敞的门厅同时也是一个展区。The device, with the flick of a switch, can function as a radio.只要轻按开关,该装置就可以当收音机用。The couch was designed to also function as a bed.这个长沙发还可以当作床来用。He was carrying out his functions as a trustee in the course of his business, rather than as a private individual.他在自己的业务办理过程中是作为受托人而不是个人在履行职责。The club serves a useful function as a meeting place.这个俱乐部是一个会面的好地方。They are able to function as a coherent group/team.他们是一个齐心协力工作的团队。Teachers also function as counselors.教师还兼顾担任学生辅导员。A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。The magazine functions as the official organ of the tobacco industry.那份杂志是烟草业的官方刊物。Mary functioned as teacher.玛丽担任教师的职务。The legislature functions as the nation's lawmaking body.立法机构的职能是为国家立法。His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.他的市长身份使他有能力通过出席委员会会议来达成一些事情。An attributive noun functions as an adjective.定语性名词起形容词作用。




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