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词汇 勘察
例句 We surveyed the devastation wrought by the fire.我们勘察了大火造成的破坏情况。All morning, the world's top cyclists have been reconnoitring the course.世界一流的自行车选手整个早上都在勘察赛道。We conducted an aerial survey to measure the proportion of the crop which was lodged.我们进行了一次空中勘察,以估测倒伏庄稼的面积。The army is using unmanned aircraft to survey the area.部队正用无人驾驶飞机勘察这一地区。We explored the rocky caves along the beach.我们沿着沙滩勘察岩洞。They hope to chart out that particular area of the river.他们希望对这条河的那一特定区域进行勘察Police made a careful examination of the scene.警方对现场进行了仔细的勘察He drove off, leaving Jones surveying the scene.他驾车离开了,留下琼斯勘察现场。




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