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词汇 anonymous
例句 The police have received information from an anonymous caller.警方从一个匿名电话那儿得到了消息。An anonymous missive had been pushed under her door.有人在她门下塞了一封匿名信。My client wishes to remain anonymous.我的客户不希望公开姓名。Police received an anonymous tip from a caller.警方接到一位来电者的匿名举报。Smith bridled at anonymous criticism in the press.史密斯对新闻界来源不明的批评大为气恼。She's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.她是个自尊心很强的人,绝不会自贬身份去写匿名信。An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.一个匿名捐助者施以援手提供了奖金。The money for the new hospital was put up by an anonymous donor.建造新医院的资金是一位匿名捐赠者提供的。He made an anonymous phone call to the police.他给警方打了个匿名电话。She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她给在都柏林的荷兰大使馆打了一个匿名电话。Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.多亏得到了一位匿名人士的大笔捐助,该慈善机构才得以继续运转。An anonymous call led to the recovery of the stolen jewels.一个匿名电话导致被盗珠宝失而复得。An anonymous author wrote this book.这本书出自无名氏之手。We received an anonymous letter.我们收到一封匿名信。The charity received an anonymous letter enclosing a large donation.慈善机构收到了一封附有一大笔捐赠的匿名信。It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。The painting was bought by an anonymous bidder.这幅画被一个未披露姓名的竞拍者购得。His was just another anonymous face in the crowd.他的长相在人群中很普通。An anonymous tipster reported the crime.一个匿名举报者揭发了这起罪行。The reporter got an anonymous tip.记者获得一条匿名信息。The college received an anonymous gift.这所大学收到了一份匿名礼物。He sent the anonymous letter to me as a jog toward the planned frame-up.他把匿名信寄给我,暗示我该开始进行计划好的诬陷活动了。Hardly had he returned to London than an anonymous well-wisher called to say he was about to be raided by Customs & Excise.他刚回到伦敦,就有一个不愿透露姓名的好心人打来电话说,他即将面临海关的突击检查。The painting was bought by an anonymous benefactor, and donated to the Museum of Modern Art.这幅画作是一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠人买来捐赠给现代艺术博物馆的。An anonymous well-wisher bailed the prisoners out.一个不留姓名的好心人把那些在押犯保释出来了。The bomb threat was made by an anonymous caller.炸弹恐吓来自一个匿名电话。The writer of the poem is anonymous.这首诗的作者不详。An anonymous buyer purchased the painting.一位匿名买家买下了这幅画。Sending anonymous letters is a cowardly act.寄匿名信是懦夫的行为。He changed into the anonymous costume of grey cotton workpants.他换上了一般人穿的灰色工装裤。After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.经过多年研究,学者们终于认定这部佚名剧作出自克里斯托弗•马洛的手笔。She works in an anonymous brick building.她在一栋很不起眼的砖楼里上班。I enclose a Xerox of the anonymous letter.兹附上匿名信的复印件一份。An anonymous caller told police what had happened.有人匿名打来电话,告知警方事情经过。One source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he had seen the woman go into his room.有个不愿透露姓名的人说,他看到那女人进了他的房间。You can remain anonymous if you wish.你愿意的话可以不透露姓名。To maintain patient confidentiality, the forms were anonymous.为了给患者保密,这些表格不具名填写。The museum was saved by an anonymous donor.博物馆靠一位匿名人士的捐赠得以保留下来。The police received an anonymous tip about the suspect's whereabouts.警方接到有关那名嫌疑犯下落的匿名密报。He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls.那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。




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