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词汇 fresh from
例句 They carbonadoed the fish fresh from the river.他们将刚从河里捕上来的鲜鱼加以烧烤。I got this bread fresh from the baker's this morning.我今天早上从面包房买了这个新鲜的面包。I returned to the office, fresh from Heathrow.我从希思罗机场出来径直返回了办公室。She was fresh from college and uneager for the moment to marry the boy back home.她刚从大学毕业,不想马上与家乡的那个小伙子成婚。Thanks to my mother's green thumb , we usually had vegetables fresh from the garden.由于我母亲善于种植,我们常能吃到园子里的新鲜蔬菜。The bread is fresh from oven, and the vegetable fresh from garden.这面包刚出炉,这蔬菜刚从院子采摘下来。He came to Wimbledon fresh from his victory in the American Open.他刚在美国公开赛上获得胜利,接着又来到温布尔登公开赛。She rose fresh from a good night's sleep.好好睡了一觉之后她精力充沛。You can't expect teachers fresh from college to deal with large classes of difficult children.你不能指望从大学刚刚毕业的老师去对付一大班棘手的儿童。The restaurant claims that all the vegetables used in its recipes are picked fresh from the garden every day.这家餐厅称,他们菜肴中所用的蔬菜,全是每天从菜园里新鲜采摘来的。The team is fresh from their victory over the French.该队刚战胜法国队。The new teacher is fresh from university.这位新教师刚从大学毕业。She is fresh from university.她刚从大学毕业。




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