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词汇 fresh air
例句 You should go out and get some fresh air.你应该出去呼吸一些新鲜空气。If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果只是在晚上头疼,那常常是由于缺乏新鲜空气和氧气的缘故。Despite being derivative in a pleasing fashion, the band arrived on the rock scene like a breath of fresh air.尽管这支乐队多少从他人那里有所借鉴,其出道时还是像新鲜空气一样出现在了摇滚乐坛。A bit of fresh air and exercise will do her a world of good.吸点新鲜空气和适当锻炼会对她大有好处。The fan keeps a continuous stream of fresh air flowing through the car.风扇使新鲜空气在车内不停地流动。A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood.在清新空气中轻松散步能够令人精神振奋。I just thought I could use a moment of fresh air.我想我需要呼吸一会儿新鲜空气。He stumbled to the window to get fresh air.他蹒跚地走到窗前呼吸新鲜空气。I'm just going out for a few minutes to get some fresh air.我就是出去几分钟,呼吸一点新鲜空气。After dealing for so long with a difficult boss, our new supervisor is a breath of fresh air.在那个喜欢刁难人的老板手下干了这么长时间之后,见到新任主管我们都感觉耳目一新。You should go outside and get some fresh air.你应该出门呼吸点新鲜空气。Not a breath of fresh air stirred the long white curtains.连一丝风也没有,白色的长窗帘一动不动。We walked out into the fresh air.我们走到户外去呼吸新鲜空气。I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air.我要出去呼吸点儿新鲜空气。Exercise, fresh air, and good posture are all helpful.锻炼、新鲜空气和好的坐立姿势都很有益。You ought to get out into the fresh air.你应该出去透透气。Let's raise the windows and get some fresh air in here.咱们把窗户拉开,换点新鲜空气吧。I opened the window and filled my lungs with cool fresh air.我打开窗,深深地吸了一口新鲜凉爽的空气。All this fresh air reinvigorated me.清新的空气使我再次精神焕发。Workrooms must be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air.工作室必须有新鲜空气流通,保持足够的通风。Her brisk treatment of an almost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air.她把这个近乎禁忌的话题处理得很轻松,令人耳目一新。He filled his lungs with the clean. fresh air.他吸进肺里的是干净清新的空气。I just went around the block to get some fresh air.我只是沿着街区走走,呼吸一下新鲜空气。We walked to the supermarket and back to get some fresh air.为了呼吸一些新鲜空气,我们步行去了超市,然后步行回来。Her novel comes as a great wash of fresh air.她的小说的问世带来一股清新之气。 A walk in the morning fresh air will pep you up.在早晨空气新鲜的地方散步你会感到精神饱满。Take exercise, preferably in the fresh air.锻炼一下,最好是在有新鲜空气的地方。Please open the window and let in some fresh air.请打开窗透透新鲜空气。He decided to stretch his legs and get some fresh air.他决定起来走一走,呼吸一下新鲜空气。She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in.她敞开所有窗户让新鲜空气进来。Better let in some fresh air.最好放些新鲜空气进来。The new secretary is a breath of fresh air.新来的秘书就像一股新鲜空气。His unusual outlook is a breath of fresh air.他与众不同的观点使大家眼前一亮。After the offensiveness of many professional athletes, he is a breath of fresh air.看惯了许多职业运动员唐突无礼的派头,他给人耳目一新之感。I went outside for a breath of fresh air.我出去吸了口新鲜空气。Every morning Jane flings the windows open and breathes in the fresh air deeply.珍每天早晨推开窗户,深深吸一口新鲜空气。Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm.孩子们非常喜欢不用裹着厚实的衣服在空气新鲜的户外嬉闹。The windows let fresh air and light into the room.新鲜空气和阳光通过窗户进入室内。The fresh air soon revived him.新鲜空气很快使他苏醒。Get plenty of fresh air and exercise.多呼吸新鲜空气,多运动。




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