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Nepotism is an old story in Hollywood circles.裙带关系在好莱坞圈子里是老掉牙的故事了。It's an old story, but it still has the power to frighten children.这是个老故事了,但依然可以吓到孩子们。Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个古老的故事来说明我的意思吧。Airplanes are an old story to them.飞机对他们来说不是新鲜东西。The movie gets a lot of mileage out of an old story.这部电影从一个古老的故事中得到很多启发。It's an old story but it has a topical message.这是个老生常谈的故事,但是它具有当前关注的信息。He hoked up a film with parts of an old story and some love scenes.他以一部古老故事的片断加上一些爱情镜头胡拼乱凑成一部影片。This is an old story without a shred of truth to it.这是个古老的传说,没有丝毫真实之处。 |