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词汇 frequent
例句 The actor says he suffers frequent bouts of depression.那位演员说他经常出现抑郁情绪。As the treatment began to take effect, her headaches became less frequent.治疗开始见效,她头痛的次数渐渐减少了。The crops suffered from frequent blights.农作物经常遭受病虫害。Prisoners are subjected to humiliating treatment and frequent beatings.囚犯们受到羞辱,并常常遭到殴打。The most frequent cause of death is heart disease.最常见的死因是心脏病发作。They are frequent/regular attenders at the church.他们经常/定期去教堂做礼拜。The actor makes frequent guest turns on the show.这位演员经常在节目中客串演出。He has been branded a mercenary for his frequent moves between clubs.他因在俱乐部之间频繁转会而被贴上唯利是图的标签。He has/gets frequent earache.他经常耳朵痛。John likes to frequent the bars.约翰喜欢经常出入酒吧。With frequent changes of direction, he reversed into an empty bay and switched off.他不住地左转右拐,把车倒进一处停车空位,把火熄了。She was a frequent visitor to the museum.她是博物馆的常客。Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.耳聋常随老年而出现。She is a regular/frequent contributor to the magazine.她是这本杂志的定期/经常撰稿人。He made frequent pauses to catch his breath.他不时停下来喘口气。We plan to have frequent training sessions on safety at work.我们计划就工作安全举办经常性的培训课。Before long we all grew bored with his frequent recital of the foods he couldn't eat.他总是唠叨自己不能吃的那些食物,不久我们所有人都听烦了。The attacks were increasingly frequent and serious.攻击变得越来越频繁,越来越猛烈。The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specially designed to withstand the force.这一地区频繁发生的地震意味着建筑物必须经过特别设计,以抵抗地震波的冲力。This tropical forest region is characterized by frequent heavy rainfall.这片热带雨林地区的特征是经常下大雨。Their lovemaking became less and less frequent.他们越来越少做爱。The mysterious phone calls were becoming more frequent.神秘的电话来得更加频繁了。The hills sapped his energy and he got off his bike for frequent rests.骑车上山消耗体力,他不时下车休息一下。On the plains the farmers have to deal with frequent floods, but up in the hills their problems are of a different nature.在平原上农民要应付接二连三的水灾,但在山上他们遇到的问题又是另一种类型的了。Dreadfully overcrowded trains and frequent cancellations made commuting an ordeal.火车极其拥挤,而且车次常常被取消,这使来回上下班成了一种折磨。He worked late every day and took frequent business trips for several years before he finally hit the wall.他每天都工作到很晚,几年来又经常出差,直到最后他撑不下去了。The loss of friends is among the most frequent trials in life.丧友是人生最常遇到的苦痛之一。The two brothers had frequent flare-ups.弟兄俩时常吵架。We are concerned about your child's frequent absences.你的孩子频繁缺课使我们很担心。The professor has been a frequent target for animal rights extremists.那位教授屡屡受到极端动物保护主义者的抨击。His job involved making frequent trips to Saudi Arabia.他的工作要经常出差到沙特阿拉伯。There are frequent sailings to Staten Island.有很多船开往丹顿岛。He is a frequent visitor to the house.他是这家的常客。She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。She gives frequent performances of her work.她经常演出自己的作品。He has/gets frequent earaches.他经常耳朵痛。His frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press.他多次与死神擦肩而过,媒体竞相报道这一传奇故事。The lion is a frequent heraldic bearing.狮是盾形纹章上常见的图案。Accidents have become less frequent, thanks to recent improvements in our safety checks.由于我们近来改进了安全检查,事故的发生率降低了。Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.服兵役需要频繁更换住处。




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