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Why did he have to go and spoil everything?他干吗非把什么事都搞糟不可?Why not relax and let me teach you how to windsurf? It's the least I can do.干吗不轻松一下,让我来教你玩帆板?我乐意为你效劳。Adam, could you hand around the cookies?亚当,你能分发一下饼干吗?Why don't you get off your butt and do something? 你干吗不振作起来干点事儿?What a lovely dress! Why don't you try it on?多漂亮的连衣裙!干吗不试穿看看呢?Why did you beep your horn at her?你干吗冲着她按喇叭?Why don't you bring Barbara back here?你干吗不把芭芭拉带回这里来?Why bother talking if no one is listening?既然没人听,干吗白费口舌呢?I don't see the point in tampering with a system that's worked fine so far.我不明白一个系统运行得好好的,改它干吗。Why drop on me?It's not my fault.干吗批评我? 那不是我的过错。Do you have to be so unreasonable?你干吗要这么不讲理呢?Why didn't you tell me she'd been set loose?.你干吗不告诉我她已经自由了?Why do they want to poodle the poor kid up?他们干吗要精心地把这可怜的小家伙打扮起来?The competition's open to anyone, so why not have a bash?这个比赛人人都可以参加,干吗不去试一试?They're nice. Why don't you ask them over some time?他们挺讨人喜欢的。你干吗不请他们哪天到家里来玩呢?I figured, why eat when I was going to puke it up again?我在想反正还得吐出来,那干吗还吃呢?If there's nothing you can do to change the situation, it's like - why bother?如果你无法改变这种局面,那么干吗去劳这个神呢?Why the hurry?干吗那么着急?Why don't you take you and your bluster the hell out of here?你干吗不闭上鸟嘴从这儿滚出去?Nothing ever happens around here. Why do you like it so much?这里实在没趣,你干吗这么喜欢这儿?Why is she being so nice to us?她干吗对我们这么好?Why don't you toss out all those old books. You'll never want to read them again.你再也不会读这些旧书了,干吗不把它们都清理掉。You there, what are you doing in my garden?哎,你在我花园里干吗?What's all the fuss about?干吗这么手忙脚乱的?Why don't you clean up this disgusting mess?你干吗不把这些乱七八糟的东西清理一下?Why don't you call in for a cup of coffee next time you're passing by?下次你路过的时候干吗不进来喝杯咖啡呢?Why don't you ask for a raise? You never know, they could say yes.你干吗不要求加薪?谁也说不准,他们也许会同意的。Why not throw a party for your friends?干吗不在家里为你的朋友们搞个聚会?May I have a biscuit?我能吃块饼干吗?If you're just standing around, why don't you come help me?你要是就闲站着,干吗不过来帮帮我?Why don't you come to the party? You never know, you might get lucky.你干吗不来参加聚会?没准儿你会交桃花运呢。Why don't you put the television in between the bookcase and the window?你干吗不把电视机放在书架和窗户之间的地方?Instead of calling, why not e-mail instead?别打电话,干吗不发电子邮件呢?You deserve the best treatment. Why settle for less? 你应该受到最好的待遇,干吗要将就呢?Was he going to it again if the opportunity presented itself?如果有机会的话他打算再干吗? Would you wipe the dishes?你能把盘子抹干吗?Why won't the cowsons come down?那些臭小子干吗不肯下来?Forget about it; why borrow trouble?忘了它吧;干吗无事烦恼? It will cost you to go by train; why not go by bus?你坐火车去要花很多钱,干吗不坐公共汽车?If you have something to say, why not say it to my face instead of whispering it behind my back?!如果你有话要说,干吗要背地里议论而不当着我的面说? |