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词汇 frenzy
例句 She tore the letter open in a frenzy.她发狂似的撕开信。There are just two minutes to go of this game, and the crowd is in an absolute frenzy.这场比赛只剩下两分钟,观众已经近乎疯狂。Jake was driven to a jealous frenzy by a casual comment from Vicky.杰克被维基无心的一句话惹得妒火中烧。The DJ worked the crowd into a frenzy.音乐节目主持人使人群渐渐狂热起来。With a sickening squeal of frenzy the wounded animal charged round.随着一声恐怖的狂叫,受伤的动物开始狂奔。I worked myself into frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.我绞尽脑汁,处心积虑,就是为了让他嫉妒。The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.这个国家笼罩在民族主义的狂热中。The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.一闻到血腥味,鲨鱼开始疯狂抢食。The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy.演说者把人群的情绪鼓动到如痴如狂的地步。The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage.这次会谈使半数人极为愤慨。There has been a feeding frenzy among publishers to obtain the rights to her story.出版商为获得她的作品的出版权一直在激烈争夺。He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。The next speaker whipped the crowd up into a frenzy.下一个演讲者把人们煽动得疯狂起来。Her sudden death sparked off a feeding frenzy in the media.她突然离世,导致媒体蜂拥而至,进行报道。A wild frenzy of panic seized her.她陷入一阵极度的恐慌。A frenzy of spin-doctors descended on me, offering every imaginable aid.大批媒体顾问突然来访,要为我提供所有能想象到的帮助。In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.她嫉妒得发疯,把他所有的衬衫袖子都剪掉了。Supporters of Hodge have worked themselves into a frenzy over the latest polls.霍奇的支持者在最近的投票中陷入了疯狂。The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.那些女人尖叫着,拼命地往家赶。He could whip a crowd into a frenzy.他能让一群人变得如痴如狂。Abundant in its naturalness, and without the frenzy of big cities, Antigua is the natural choice for a holiday.安提瓜随处可见自然风光,也没有大城市的喧闹,是度假的必选之地。The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.这个国家沉浸在民族主义的狂热中。The wild rally hit a peak of frenzy at the start of last week.上星期一开始,跌停疯涨达到顶点。She was in a frenzy of rage.她处于一种狂怒的状态。Her arrival always triggers a media frenzy.她的到来总是激起媒体的一阵狂热。They were singing in a frenzy of joy.他们欣喜若狂地高声歌唱。She turned in a frenzy.她发狂地转过身。In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.一股仇恨涌上心头,他杀死了他的敌人。He was so angry that he worked himself into a frenzy.他气得简直发了疯。The speaker whipped the crowd into a frenzy.演讲者使听众群情激愤。




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