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词汇 freely
例句 He talked too freely when, as was too often the case, he was in his cups.他经常喝醉,而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.该公司提供廉价的因特网接入服务。 此外,它还推出免费的共享软件。In England he could write freely, without fear of arrest.在英格兰他可以自由地写作,不用担心被捕。They freely admitted using the drug .他们坦率地承认吸毒。Bob gave freely to the fund for victims of the earthquake.鲍伯向地震灾民慷慨捐款。You can express yourself freely.你可以畅所欲言。The men talk as cheerfully as ever; jests are bandied about freely.男人们像往常一样高兴地聊天,彼此间随意地开着玩笑。The traffic had started to move more freely now.车流开始更加顺畅地流动起来。TV companies need the ability to operate freely, with the minimum of government interference,电视公司需要有自由经营的权力,政府的干涉应被减少到最低的限度。You must allow the clubhead to swing freely.你必须一气呵成地挥出杆头。Her tears began to flow more freely.她的眼泪开始更加肆意地流淌。Her hair flowed freely down her back.她的头发松散地披在后面。They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.选举日那天他们自由地进行了投票,没有受到胁迫。They imbibed freely of champagne.他们痛饮香槟酒。The right to speak freely is written into the Constitution of the United States.言论自由的权利被写进了美国宪法中。The government decided to allow the peso to float freely.政府决定让比索自由浮动。He claimed that all businesses should be able to trade freely on Sundays.他主张所有商店都应能自由地在星期天做生意。I freely admit I made many mistakes.我坦白地承认自己犯过许多错误。The children were encouraged to express themselves freely and openly.孩子们受到鼓励,要自由而大胆地说出自己的想法。The beer flowed freely after the game.比赛后人们痛饮啤酒。We tumbled about freely between the rooms.我们在房间之间无拘无束地跑来跑去。Remember to apply plenty of oil so that the wheel can rotate freely.记住上足油,这样轮子才转得顺。He drank freely of rum. The poison had taken effect, and he stumbled.他狂饮朗姆酒。酒性发作,他步履踉跄。We went outside so that we could talk freely without being overheard.我们走到了外面,这样就可以不必顾忌谈话被人听去。The results of the research were made freely available for the benefit of all mankind.研究的结果已为全人类自由地共享。Wine and beer flowed freely.人们畅饮着葡萄酒和啤酒。The composer uses dissonances freely.这位作曲者随意地使用不谐和音。Such noun groups may be formed freely.这类名词词组可以自由构成。The wine flowed freely at the party.聚会上大量供应免费葡萄酒。The vintage flowed freely during the reception.招待会上酬酢不止。Remember that you freely entered into an agreement with them.请记住你们是自愿和他们达成协议的。Finally she opened freely on the subject.最后她就这个题目畅抒己见。You can use my car freely.你可以随意用我的车。Hospitality was freely offered to refugees.可免费招待难民。Williams freely admits he lives for racing.威廉斯坦承他为赛车而活。The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem.土壤排水性通畅,不会滋生蛞蝓。A country is not truly democratic until all of its citizens can vote freely.一个国家当其所有公民均能自由投票选举时,才是一个真正的民主国家。They no longer mix freely with foreigners.他们不再与外国人自由往来。Mrs. Atwood's note said that she freely chose to end her life.阿特伍德太太的遗书上说她是自愿选择结束生命的。He freely admitted that he had lied.他坦率地承认自己说了谎。




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