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词汇 free from
例句 Use the app to chat and send photos free from anywhere in the world.使用这个应用程序免费在世界任何地方聊天和发送照片。All our drinks are free from artificial colourings.我们的饮料都不含人工色素。She walked free from jail.她获释出狱了。Her lifestyle was remarkably free from ostentation.她的生活方式丝毫不事张扬。Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.居民们呼吁展开一次清洁卫生运动,让街头没有垃圾。At last I felt free from my cares.我终于摆脱了烦恼。He had lived a childhood free from worry.他无忧无虑地度过了童年。A lot of the patients are now free from symptoms.许多患者现在症状都消失了。She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.在她的医生的推动下,她被释放出狱。His articles are nearly totally free from twistification of fact into doctrine.他的文章几无将事实歪曲成教条的痕迹。We got Kevin on a free from Manchester United.凯文是从曼联队自由转会到我们这里的。The newspaper was free from political bias.这家报纸没有政治偏见。The prisoner was able to break free from the bonds that held him.那名囚犯挣脱了套在他身上的镣铐。I tried to wrench myself free from his grip.我试图挣脱他紧抓着我的手。The microscope must be free from vibration.显微镜一定要避免震动。Industrial relations should be free from state interference.劳资关系应不受政府干预。I wriggled one hand free from his grasp.我从他的紧握中挣脱出一只手来。He managed to struggle free from his bonds.他设法摆脱了镣铐的束缚。She broke free from her attacker.她挣脱了袭击她的人。Then Tammy broke free from Judd and ran for the door screaming.后来塔米挣脱了贾德,尖叫着冲向门口。Make sure both surfaces are free from dust and grit.要确保两面都没有灰尘和沙粒。She wanted to break free from the constraints of her middle-class life.她想摆脱她的中产阶级生活的束缚。At last he's totally free from pain.终于,他彻底摆脱了痛苦。Foods sold under this label are guaranteed to be free from additives and preservatives.贴有这种标签出售的食品保证不含添加剂和防腐剂。The ship broke free from its moorings.那只船脱了锚。At last the country has been freed from its enormous debts.该国最后被免除了巨额债务。Would he ever have enough money to be wholly free from the bondage of work?他有足够的钱使自己完全不用受工作的束缚吗?You can get advice free from your local library.你可以向当地图书馆免费咨询。Check that the terminals of the battery are free from dirt and corrosion.确保电池端子远离灰尘和锈蚀。Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage.地球上没有哪里逃过了生态破坏。Newspapers today are entirely free from government control.如今的报纸完全不受政府控制。The company is now free from the straitjacket of government regulation.这家公司如今不用受政府管制的约束了。Organic produce is free from harmful chemicals.有机农产品不含有害化学物质。At last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers.他终于摆脱了那些金钱上的吸血鬼。Shelly tried to wriggle free from him, but he held her firmly.谢利想挣开他,但他牢牢地把她按住。He is now free from all care.他如今无忧无虑。The press has now been freed from political control.新闻界现在已经摆脱了政治的控制。His supporters are demanding that he be freed from prison.他的支持者要求把他从狱中释放出来。She cut herself free from that unhappy marriage.她从那不美满的婚姻中解脱了出来。He finally broke free from the stranglehold of his domineering parents.他最终摆脱了专横父母的压制。




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