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词汇 foxes
例句 The dogs kill foxes by tearing them apart.这群狗把几只狐狸撕咬死。The flash sent the foxes scampering away.闪光惊得狐狸四处逃窜。There's a bounty for foxes in some countries.在有些国家捕捉到狐狸可得赏金。Dogs scented after foxes.狗循气味追猎狐狸。From a farmer's point of view, foxes are a nuisance.从农民的角度来讲,狐狸是个麻烦。Farmers regard foxes as vermin.农夫把狐狸看成是祸害。If you don't want foxes in your garden buy a springer spaniel and kennel him outside.如果不想让你的花园进狐狸,就买一条史宾格猎犬并把它养在室外。He's teaching the dog to track foxes.他正训练狗追踪狐狸。The birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.必须保护鸟类免受狐狸和其他肉食动物的侵害。During the mating season, foxes become much more vocal.到了交配季节,狐狸的叫声更频繁了。The foxes come and scavenge the bones.狐狸过来寻觅骨头。Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。They imported a number of English red foxes and set them loose along the banks of the Chesapeake.他们进口了一些英国红狐,在切萨皮克湾两岸将它们放生。There were half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth.在林下灌丛中潜伏著五六只狐狸。It is nonsense to say that we should ban the use of dogs for hunting foxes.说我们应该禁止驱狗猎狐,真是一派胡言。The hunter set traps to catch foxes.猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。The hunters tried to smoke the foxes out of the den.猎人们试图用烟把狐狸从洞里熏出来。




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