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例句 Details of the course can be found on our website.课程资料可以在我们的网站上找到。The criticisms are founded on facts as well as on convictions.这些批评是基于事实和信念。The drugs were found on a container ship that was bound for Spain.在一条开往西班牙的集装箱船中发现了毒品。Details of all the above can be found on our website.上述所有的详细信息可以到我们的网站查阅。The castle is founded on solid rock.城堡建筑在坚固的岩石上。His reputation was founded on his organizational abilities and his acknowledged brilliance as a leader of men.他的名声基于他的组织能力以及他那公认的卓越领导才华。Small amounts of radiation were found on their clothing.他们的衣服上发现有少量的辐射。The research seemed founded on quicksand.这项研究犹如建在流沙之上,基础极不稳固。White resistance to Civil Rights was founded on age-old fears of democracy.白人对公民权的抵制来源于他们多年来对民主的恐惧。The theory is founded on two basic propositions.这个理论是建立在两个基本观点之上的。Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.潜水艇和载人航天器上一般都有压差隔离室。If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了,那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。Wolves are still found on the continent of Europe.在欧洲大陆上仍然有狼。The constitution in this country is not written. It's founded on tradition and precedent.这个国家的宪法不是成文的,而是以传统和判例为基础。The authorities will confiscate firearms found on a boat or plane if the owner cannot show proof of US licensing.如果在船上或飞机上发现了枪支,而持有人无法出示美国持枪执照,那么当局就会将其充公。The farmer struck it rich when oil was found on his land.当那个农民的土地被发现有油矿时,他一下子发财了。 Nutritional information can be found on the side of the box.营养信息可以在盒子的侧面找到。A wallet full of greenbacks was found on the train.火车上发现有一个装满美钞的钱包。The castle is founded on solid rock.这座城堡建在坚固的岩石上。Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three men accused of the bombing.这三名被指控制造炸弹袭击事件的男子,衣服上发现有炸药的痕迹。An increasing amount of organic produce is to be found on supermarket shelves.越来越多的有机农产品将会出现在超市的货架上。In her closing argument, the prosecutor said that the hairs found on the defendant matched those of the victim.在终结辩论中,公诉人说被告身上发现的头发与被害人的一模一样。His suspicions were founded on nothing more than rumor.他的怀疑仅仅是基于谣言。America was founded on the values of freedom and justice for all.人人自由平等的价值观是美国建国的根基。The police are investigating the puzzling death of a man found on the freeway.警方正在调查在高速公路上发现的一名男子离奇死亡的原因。At this time of year many birds can be found on the island. 每年的这个时候,岛上都会有很多鸟。The criticisms are founded on facts as well as on convictions.这些批评建立在事实以及信念的基础上。The government was founded on a doctrine of equality for all people.这个政府建立在人人平等的信仰基础上。The boy's body was found on wasteland, brutally stabbed to death.小男孩的尸体在荒地被发现,他是被残忍地刺死的。A diary was found on the body.在尸体身上发现了一本日记。The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico.这件雕塑是用他在墨西哥海滩上找到的物件做成的。Human remains were found on the railway line.在铁路线上发现了人的尸骸。A good relationship has to be founded on trust.良好的关系必须建立在信任的基础上。His game is founded on power and determination.他的比赛靠的是实力和毅力。Our relationship is founded on mutual love and trust.我们的关系是建立在相互的爱和信任的基础上的。




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