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词汇 forage
例句 Since we will be gone for a week, we have to make sure that there is sufficient forage on the ranch.因为我们要离开一星期,我们必须确定牧场上有足够的草料。People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.人们只得四处寻找食物和汽油。The squad went out on a forage and returned with several chickens.那班士兵出外搜寻食物,拿回来几只鸡。Badgers have left the wood on their nightly forage.獾已经离开树林,开始了夜间觅食。The six people are living on what they can forage and a little food from aid groups and neighbours.这六个人靠他们搜寻到的食物和从援救小组及邻居那里得到的一点点食物活命。He had to forage for firewood.他得去找柴火。The grass serves as forage for livestock.这种草可以做牲畜的饲料。They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.他们不得不去寻找衣服和燃料。




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