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词汇 football team
例句 After a year without defeat,the football team now reigns supreme as the finest in Asia.该足球队一年来所向无敌,现已称雄亚洲。Our football team is pointing for the World Cup Games.我们的足球队正在进行紧张的训练,迎接世界杯足球赛。Ed Carey has been chosen to make over the losing football team.艾德·卡瑞被选来对这支每况愈下的足球队做一番改善。I was the captain of the football team.我曾是这支足球队的队长。Many up-and-coming young players have trials for the national football team.许多年少有为的球员都会参加国家足球队的选拔赛。Which football team do you support?你支持哪一个足球队?Mr Jones coaches the football team.琼斯先生执教这支足球队。We were pulling for their football team.我们正在为他们的足球队打气。He has for years been the heartbeat of the French football team.多年以来他一直是法国足球队的核心。The football team play away these days and play at home next Saturday.足球队这几天在外地比赛,下星期只在本地比赛。He joined the football team to please his father.为了让父亲高兴,他加入了橄榄球队。He manages our football team.他负责管理我们的足球队。The fans cheered the local football team on to victory.球迷为当地的足球队加油,鼓舞他们去争取胜利。Brad was the captain of his high school football team.布拉德上高中时是学校足球队的队长。He's desperate to get on the football team.他不顾一切要进足球队。He assembled a bunch of castoffs into a good football team.他将一群其他球队弃用的球员组成了一支出色的橄榄球队。It all depends on how that football team shapes after Christmas.这全取决于圣诞节后那个足球队踢得如何。Richard is the captain of the football team.理察是这个橄榄球队的队长。Bolton's famous football team was the pride of the town.博尔顿著名的足球队是该镇的骄傲。The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.这支足球队受过专业教练员的训练。He is on the college football team.他是大学橄榄球队的队员。The fans booed when it became clear that their football team would lose again.局势变得明朗,他们的足球队又将输掉比赛时球迷们作嘘叫声。Our football team was clobbered in last night's game.我们的足球队在昨晚的比赛中一败涂地。Bobby has to get a physical before he can join the football team.博比在加入足球队之前必须做一个体格检查。Luke's trying out for the college football team.卢克正在参加大学足球队的选拔。The football team are having baths.橄榄球队员们在洗澡。Hundreds of people lined the streets to see the football team go by.成百上千人排在街道两旁看足球队经过。He claims the football team is a dead bag.他说这支足球队死气沉沉。The football team needs to improve its passing game. 这支橄榄球队需要提高传球水平。The football team was a cash cow for the university.橄榄球队是这所大学的摇钱树。The football team is in top form and it is sure of victory.足球队竞技状态极好,胜券在握。She wants to pump money into her local football team.她打算把钱大量投入到当地的足球俱乐部。Our football team has got a very experienced coach.我们的足球队有了一个很有经验的教练。The winning football team chaired their captain round the field.获胜的足球队把队长高高抬着在场上兜了一圈。The coach is making the entire football team take, of all things, ballet classes.这个教练居然叫整个橄榄球队去上芭蕾舞课。He went out for football last year. = He went out for the football team last year.他去年努力争取加入橄榄球队。She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team.她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。The local football team was feted everywhere it went.当地的足球队无论到哪儿都受到款待。He raked up some first-rate players for our football team.他为我们的足球队搜罗到几个一流的运动员。Injuries dogged the football team all season.这个橄榄球队整个赛季都为队员受伤而困扰。




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