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词汇 孩童
例句 His childlike joy was infectious.孩童般的快乐很有感染力。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。His fear of snakes traces back to an experience in his childhood.他对蛇的惧怕溯自他孩童时的一次经历。Her voice is childlike, with a West Country lilt.她的声音如孩童般,带有英格兰西南部诸郡的那种抑扬顿挫。The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向孩童出售香烟。A child tries to approximate his parents' speech.孩童试图模仿父母说话的腔调。He'd visited the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, the way the Gospels instructed.他已经遵照福音书的指示,探访了悲痛的失怙孩童和寡妇。You're only a child in his eyes.在他眼里你仅仅是个孩童Since childhood, her life has revolved around tennis.孩童时期开始,她的生活就以网球为中心。Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence.一些年轻人孩童时脾气随和、性格活泼,刚进入青春期却变得害羞起来。Pedophiles have the tendency to snatch children away from their parents and sexually molest them.有恋童癖的人会把孩童抓走并加以性骚扰。He had lost the innocence of childhood.他已经失去了孩童时的纯真。All the kids were disappointed at the evanescence of the rainbow.所有的孩童都因为彩虹的逐渐消失而失望。Children are naturally inquisitive.孩童生性喜欢刨根问底。The patient is regressing to a childlike state.病人开始退化至孩童状态。Children were excepted from the study.孩童不在研究之列。When he was a boy, he was in no position to take his revenge.当他还是个孩童时,他无法报仇。Today's children are tomorrow's leaders.今天的孩童将成为未来的领导者。Childhood problems often leave emotional scars.孩童时期的问题常会留下情感创伤。The dimples gave her a childlike look.酒窝给了她一个孩童般的面容。He had the spontaneity of a child.他有着孩童般的率性。A locking system stops inquisitive children from burning themselves.锁定系统能够防止好奇心强的孩童烧伤自己。Even very young children are using foul language at school.甚至很小的孩童也在学校里说脏话。




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