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词汇 food
例句 I offered the cat some food, but it turned up its nose and walked away.我拿了些食物给这只猫,可它看都不看就走掉了。Everyone's bringing a bit of food and a bottle to the party.每个人都带一点食物和一瓶酒来参加聚会。Any dog will salivate when presented with food.所有狗看到食物都会流口水。The food is home-cooked using fresh ingredients.食物是用新鲜的材料在家里做的。The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链都因农业生产中化学品过度使用而受到影响。Sudan requires food immediately to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.苏丹急需食品以避免一场人道主义灾难。Salty food makes you thirsty.吃咸的食品会令你口渴。Good food is my only indulgence.我唯一的嗜好就是美食。He is so hungry that he will relish plain food.他饿极了,素淡饭食也会吃得津津有味。I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the table.我认为在把食物端上餐桌前应该先调味。Is there really morally any difference between slaughtering a cow for food and a horse for food?为获得食物宰杀一头牛与一匹马,从道义上讲真的有区别吗?Rich food always upsets my stomach.油腻的食物总是使我肠胃不适。The food at that restaurant is complete rubbish.那家餐馆的饭菜简直没法吃。Thousands of poor people still want food and shelter.成千上万的穷人仍然缺少食物和住所。The kids were wolfing their food.孩子们正在狼吞虎咽地吃东西。She writes a food blog in which she shares recipes, tips, and restaurant reviews.她写一个食物博客,分享菜谱和窍门以及餐馆评论。The Swiss are Europe's biggest spenders on food.瑞士人是欧洲人中在食品上开销最大的人群。All their food is strictly kosher.他们所有的食物都完全符合犹太教食规。Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.其中大多数妇女在各个监狱周边兜售食品。I don't know how much longer our supply of food will hold out. 我不知道我们的食物供应还能维持多久。There's no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food.这种食品就是东方风味的,绝对错不了。As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait.吃点儿东西你就会打起精神的。等着瞧吧。Omnivores are able to eat animal or vegetable food.杂食者肉食和素食都吃。The food was presented in an artistic way.那些食品摆放得很精美。Don't bolt your food, you'll get indigestion.不要囫囵吞食,会消化不良的。Poor harvests increased food prices.歉收使食品价格上涨。I don't like food cooked in deep fat.我不喜欢油炸的食品。Scrupulous cleanliness is necessary when preparing food in a restaurant.饭馆里在准备食物方面必须保持绝对清洁。The new car was launched with great razzmatazz: champagne, food, free gifts, and dancers.推出这款新轿车时活动搞得热闹非凡、五花八门——开香槟酒、提供膳食、散发礼品,还有舞蹈演员助兴。The fridge door was open and food was scattered across the floor.冰箱门开着,食物散落在地板上。We bought in lots of tinned food in case of heavy snow.我们买了许多罐装食品以备大雪时用。I can't eat spicy food.我不能吃辛辣食品。Keep food in airtight tins or jars.把食物存放在密封的金属盒或广口瓶里。She gave each of them a plate of food.她给他们每个人都盛了一盘食物。My worst fear was that we would run out of food.我最大的担忧是我们会吃光食物。Absurdly, it makes shoppers overpay farmers to grow too much food.荒谬的是,这样会使得购物者支付过多的钱让农民去种太多的粮食。The food store took stock every week.这家食品店每周盘点存货。Many families must skimp on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.就为了交齐每月的租金,许多家庭不得不省吃俭用。The Victorian era food was adulterated.在整个维多利亚时期,食品都是被掺假的。We were dying for a Coke, so we stopped at a fast-food place.我们很想喝杯可乐,因此就在一家快餐店前停了下来。




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