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词汇 follow up
例句 I think we should follow up his suggestions;it sounds reasonable.我想我们应该进一步照他的建议去干,它听起来可行。The references in the book were too vague to follow up.这本书的参考文献字迹模糊,无法了解其更多信息。The pressure to follow up such a success can often destabilize bands.如此巨大的成功之后,再上层楼的压力往往会动摇乐队的稳定性。He says that the police failed to follow up on his complaints.他说警方没有对他的报案采取行动。I followed up an advertisement for a second-hand Volkswagen.我看到一则出售二手大众汽车的广告,准备探个究竟。Don't rest on your laurels; follow up your success.不要满足于已有的成就,要争取更大的成功。We follow up the suggestions, and have had satisfying experiences as a result.我们按照建议办事,故而一直得到满意的结果。Her first book was a big success, and she followed up with another best seller.她的第一本书大获成功,紧接着她又出了另一部畅销书。He followed up his early findings with another study.他在早期发现的基础上进行了另一项研究。Discussion should be followed up by a written report.讨论之后应该有个书面报告。The salesmen usually follow up a letter with a visit.推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。He failed to follow up my suggestion.他没有照著我的建议做下去。The champion led with a left to the body, followed up quickly with a right to the jaw.那位冠军先朝着对方身体出左拳,紧接着右手迅速朝对方的下巴一击。Our rule is that the complaints department must follow up a letter within two days.我们规定投诉受理部门必须在两天内对来信作出处理。Police followed up the complaints with several arrests.警方接到报案后实施了几次逮捕。It's an idea which has been followed up by a group of researchers.这个理念一群研究者一直在锲而不舍地钻研。He complained several times, but the police never followed up.他多次报案,但警方始终没有采取行动。He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book.他决定继续进行他最初的研究,然后写本书。This experiment was quickly followed up by others using different forms of the drug.在这个实验之后,很快又用了这种药品的其他几种形态进行了进一步的实验。




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