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词汇 irony
例句 The great irony was that despite all his explanations nobody believed him.最具讽刺意味的是:尽管他竭力解释,可没一个人相信他。She spoke simply, without irony.她说得简单明了,没有反话。We were struck by the bitter irony of the situation.当时辛辣讽刺的情形让我们震惊。The irony is that some of the poorest countries have the richest natural resources.具有讽刺意味的是有些最穷的国家拥有最丰富的自然资源。By a cruel irony, his horse came down on a flat part of the course.十分残酷而且极具讽刺意味的是,他的马在赛场的平地上摔倒了。He thought he detected a note of irony in her comments.他认为自己觉察到她的评论中带有一丝讽刺。He has a strong sense of irony.他有很强的讽刺感。It is a nice irony that the rivalry among popes was solved by their ancient rival, the Holy Roman Emperor.教皇之间的争斗竟然由他们的老对手神圣罗马帝国皇帝解决了,这简直是绝妙的讽刺。Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony.辛克莱仔细端详着那张不露声色的聪明面孔,试图寻找出说反话的迹象。There was a stroke of irony in his tone.他的语调中带有嘲讽的味道。In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony.从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。Under different circumstances she might have been able to appreciate the irony of it.要是在不同的环境下她或许能够欣赏它的讽喻。There is a certain irony in the situation.这种情形带有某种讽刺意味。The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent.具有讽刺意味的是,华盛顿的很多官员都私下里承认他们的政策前后不一致。She spoke without a trace of irony.她说话不带有任何讽刺。Some people retreat into positions of hard irony and cynicism.有些人遇事就采取冷嘲热讽的态度规避。She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.她尽量不去理会他浓重的讽刺口气。The pair could use the jazziest, hippest slang and irony-laced patter.这对搭档能说出最时髦、最嘻哈的俚语和充满讽刺的行话。It was an irony that the firehouse burned.消防站被火烧了,这可是个讽刺。Ellen detected irony in Hooper's voice.埃伦听出了胡珀话中的讽刺意味。I thought I detected a hint of irony in her words.我觉得我听出她的话中有讽刺口气。The irony was that Shawn had not seen her. Nor for that matter had anyone else.具有讽刺意味的是,肖恩并没有见过她,别人也同样如此。The wit and irony of the original novel has been lost in the film version.原小说中的智趣和讽刺性在电影改编中荡然无存。The irony wasn't lost on me.我明白这个讽刺。We talked about the author's use of irony in the novel.我们探讨了小说中作者对反语的运用。Her comments were heavy with irony.她的评论充满了嘲讽。The ultimate irony is that the revolution, rather than bringing freedom, actually ended it completely.革命非但没有带来自由,反而是完全结束了自由,这真是莫大的讽刺。It was a tragic irony that he made himself sick by worrying so much about his health.他因过分担心自己的健康而生了病,这既可悲又可笑。She congratulated him with gentle irony.她略带讽刺地向他表示祝贺。He is known for his use of irony and other literary devices.他以运用讽刺和其他文学手法而著名。The irony is lost in translation.反讽意味在译文中失去了。His words glinted with irony and bitterness.他的言辞中不时迸出冷嘲热讽。He thanked us all without a touch of irony.他感谢我们所有人,语气中不带丝毫嘲讽。And the irony of Phil talking about ethics. He doesn't know the meaning of the word.菲尔谈论道德规范简直是个讽刺。他本身根本就是一个没有道德的人。Iris's voice was heavily laced with irony.艾丽丝的话音中嘲讽的味道很浓。I glanced at her and saw no hint of irony on her face.我看了她一眼,发现她的脸上没有一丝嘲讽的表情。Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony.凯恩向来是个擅长讽刺的演员。There was not the faintest trace of irony in her voice.她的声音里没有一丁点儿的讽刺意味。The irony of getting her chance to work in a less stimulating environment than heretofore did not escape her.让她有机会到一个迄今为止最无趣的环境工作,这种让人哭笑不得的状况她不是不知道。By a cruel irony, he died in a crash while returning home from the war.他从战场归来时因飞机失事而丧生,这样的讽刺真是太残忍了。




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