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例句 He always follows the teacher's directions right down the line.他一向完全听从老师的指导。This can be done if you proceed as follows.按照如下操作即可完成。He follows most sports avidly.他对大多数体育运动有浓厚的兴趣。The asteroid follows a corkscrew path.这颗小行星按螺旋形轨道运行。She follows a strictly vegetarian diet.她严格遵循素食原则。The results of the survey can be summarized as follows...调查结果可以总结如下:⋯Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,穿过人口稠密的街区。Proceed as follows: go straight ahead to Martin Street and then turn left.按如下路线走:向前直行到马丁街,然后左转。His resignation follows a disappointing earnings announcement by the company.公司发布了令人失望的盈利情况公告后,他辞职了。It follows on from what I said.这件事是我说的那些话引起的。What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.下面是约翰的故事,其中有些部分也许令人不快,甚至令人震惊。The film follows the nomads as they cross the desert with their camels.影片记述了带着骆驼穿越沙漠的游牧民。The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.随后关于精神挣扎的叙述有一种令人心生卑微之感的神奇力量。The factory closure follows hard on the heels of several others.这家工厂紧随其他几家工厂倒闭了。The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.获胜者如下:伍兹,史密斯和卡西迪。A comic scene follows by way of relief.随后便是一个作为调剂的喜剧场面。His dog follows him everywhere he goes.无论到哪里,他那条狗总跟著他。The book follows the fortunes of two families through the years.这本书记述了两个家族这些年来的兴衰。The movie follows three heroes who fight the dark forces/powers that threaten the world.电影围绕着三位主人公与威胁世界的邪恶势力斗争的主题展开。Its line closely follows the five-metre contour.线条逼真地勾勒出这个五米高物体的轮廓。For years they endured the obloquy that follows scandal.多年来他们忍受着丑闻带来的耻辱。The conclusion that follows from these findings is that inner city schools need more investment, not less.根据这些调研得出的结论是,市中心区的学校需要增加资金投入,而不是要减少。The movie follows their lives on a small Arkansas farm.电影围绕他们在阿肯色一座小农场的生活展开故事。The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth.这部影片讲述了一名男子寻找生下自己后就失散的母亲的漫长曲折的历程。In Australia, the weather follows a fairly predictable pattern.在澳大利亚,天气变化的模式基本上是可以预料的。He follows Manchester United.他支持曼彻斯特联队。The dress follows the curves of the body.这条连衣裙很贴身。The film follows the adventures of an ant called Flick.这部影片记述了一只名叫弗利克的蚂蚁的历险故事。The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.市长大人坐在他阔气的马车里在后面跟着。The paragraph reads as follows.这一节的内容如下。The sentence in question reads as follows.有疑问的那句话是这样说的。The movie follows the book faithfully.这部电影忠实于原著。The road follows the curve of the hill.路随着山势蜿蜒曲折。With this disease the veins in the liver can block up, and all sorts of damage follows.患这种疾病后,肝脏的血管就会堵塞,各种损伤就会随之而来。His translation follows the original faithfully.他的翻译忠实于原文。Famine often follows at the heels of war.战乱之后常发生饥荒。He follows all the cricket news.他对有关板球的所有新闻都密切注意。In some examinations the oral follows a written paper.有些考试先考笔试后考口试。It follows logically that one of them is lying.由此必然得出的结论是,他们当中有一人在说谎。His story runs as follows.他的故事请看下面的叙述。




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