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词汇 fly
例句 The swallow is showing its young how to fly.老燕正在教雏燕学飞。Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。He was out in left field, shagging fly balls. 他在左外场接飞来的球。You must fly right when you get to the party.你们去参加宴会时一定要守规矩讲礼貌。I usually fly coach, but on this trip I'm flying first-class.我通常坐经济舱,但这次旅行我要坐头等舱。It was all pretty much done on the fly.那几乎都是匆忙之中完成的。Millions of passengers fly British Airways every year.每年有数百万人乘坐英国航空公司的飞机。I enjoy my job — the fly in the ointment is that I start early in the morning.我喜欢我的工作,美中不足的是我得很早动身。I keep essential items to hand when I fly.我坐飞机的时候必需品都带在手边。The fur will really fly over this.这个问题将会掀起轩然大波。The pilot had to fly blind.飞行员只好依靠仪器导航飞行。She is learning to fly.她正在学习驾驶飞机。Enemy jets have repeatedly violated the Allied no-fly zone.敌人的喷气式飞机反复闯入同盟国的禁飞区。In an absorbing book about how she learned to fly, Diane Ackerman tells why she chooses to risk her life.黛安娜·阿克曼在一本关于她如何学会飞行的引人入胜的书中,讲述了她为何选择了拿自己的生命去冒险。Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.直升机在恶劣的天气条件下起飞前去援救遇难的船员。Little local bars like this fly beneath the tourists' radar.像这样的当地小酒吧一般都不会引起游客的注意。 I shook with terror whenever I was about to fly in an aeroplane.每次坐飞机前,我都吓得直发抖。A fly zoomed about my head in narrowing circles.一只苍蝇在我头上嗡嗡打转,越飞越近。He instanced the fly as a dirty insect.在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例。What airline did you fly with?你乘坐的是哪家航空公司的飞机?The frog swallowed the fly whole.青蛙把苍蝇整只吞了。He hit a long fly ball to left field.他向左外野击了一个远距离腾空球。He tends to fly off the handle when people disagree with him.如果别人不同意他的意见,他就会暴怒。It takes a while for my body clock to get adjusted when I fly from New York to London.从纽约飞到伦敦后,我花了一段时间才把生物钟调整过来。The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。I usually fly Lufthansa/Japan Airlines/El Al.我通常搭乘汉莎航空公司/日本航空公司/以色列航空公司的航班。She was retired on a fly ball to center field.她向中外野打出的一个腾空球使她出局。Rachel seems to be the one fly in the ointment of Caroline's smooth life.蕾切尔似乎是卡罗琳一帆风顺的生活中唯一的麻烦。Helicopters can fly up, down, forward, backward, and sideways.直升机可以上下前后左右飞行。The birds fly/go south in the winter.鸟儿冬季飞往南方。I must fly, I'll see you later.我得赶紧走了,回头见。We'll fly up on the shuttle.我们要乘班机过去。Calm down – there's no need to fly off the handle.冷静一点 — 没有必要大发雷霆。The fly ball looped high in the air.腾空球呈弧线高高腾空而过。How much does it cost to fly business class to New York?乘商务舱飞到纽约要多少钱?Not all insects can fly.并非所有昆虫都会飞。She immediately let fly at me with her shoe.她马上拿鞋子朝我扔了过来。It's so much nicer to fly business class on long-haul flights.长途飞行乘坐商务舱要舒适得多。He hurried away from the conference to fly to Yokohama.他匆匆离会飞往横滨。Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo.查尔斯·林德伯格是第一个独自驾飞机飞越大西洋的人。




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