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词汇 flooded
例句 The lower valley of the river is often flooded.该河下游区域常遭洪水。Three major rivers have already flooded, and two more are on red alert.三条大河已经泛滥,还有两条已到了红色警戒水位。The river has flooded the village.河水淹没了村庄。Heavy rains flooded the valley.大雨淹没了山谷。Many streams have flooded their banks, making some roads impassable.许多小河的水已经漫过堤岸,造成一些道路不能通行。The bright morning sun flooded into the bedroom.灿烂晨光泻进卧室。Some of the river's smaller branches flooded after the heavy rains.大雨过后,这条河的几条小支流河水泛滥了。Lenders have flooded the market with easy credit.贷方的宽松信贷充斥了市场。She left the water running and flooded the kitchen.她任凭水直流,弄得厨房里一片泽国。The afternoon light flooded the little rooms.午后的阳光洒满一间间小屋。They returned home to find a pipe had burst and the house was flooded.他们回到家,发现有条水管破裂,家里被水淹了。The bridge arched the flooded stream.这座桥跨过涨水的小河。The group flooded the airwaves with ads attacking the minister's plan.这个小组使电视节目充斥着攻击部长计划的广告。Train lines were flooded out.铁路线被洪水冲毁。The two bank robbers got in line at a nearby fast-food restaurant, hoping to be inconspicuous as police flooded the area.那两名银行劫匪站进附近一家快餐店的队伍里,希望在这个地区到处都是警察的时候不引起注意。Water burst through the dam and flooded local villages.水决堤淹没了附近的村庄。The river had flooded its banks.河水已漫过堤岸。The rains came and flooded the valley.暴雨时节来临,雨水淹没了山谷。The comedian flooded the audience with the killingest jokes for an hour.喜剧演员向观众讲了一小时极其滑稽的笑话。The corridors were flooded with girls.走廊上挤满了女孩子。Sea walls collapsed, and low-lying areas were flooded.海堤溃决,海水淹没了低洼地区。The water main burst/broke and flooded the street.总水管爆裂,满街全是水。The ground floor of the house was flooded.房子的底层被淹了。For months I've been dining out on the story of what happened when my house got flooded.一连几个月我在晚餐时都要对别人讲起房子被水淹之后所发生的事情。Several villages along the course of the river were flooded.沿河的几个村子都被洪水淹了。After the storm, the buses gingerly forded flooded roads.暴雨过后,公共汽车缓缓开过被淹没的道路。The station was flooded with calls from listeners after the show.节目播出后,电台接到大量听众打来的电话。The roads are flooded after a period of exceptionally heavy rain.经过一段时间的滂沱大雨,道路都被淹了。The water pipe sprung a leak and flooded the cellar.水管爆漏,致使地下室遭到水淹。Strawberries flooded the market and prices dropped.草莓充斥市场,价格下跌。Pale sunshine flooded the classroom.淡淡的阳光泻满教室。The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town.河水漫过堤岸,变成一片汪洋,淹没了城镇。The river has not flooded yet, but that does not mean the danger has passed.河水尚未泛滥,但这不等于说危险已经过去了。The authorities have relocated thousands of families from the flooded areas.当局已经重新安置了洪灾地区成千上万的家庭。Heavy rain has flooded the sports field: all fixtures have been cancelled for a month.大雨淹没了运动场,一个月内所有定好的体育比赛都取消了。The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.附近河流涨出的河水淹没了低地。The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system.芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道系统。Their bedroom was flooded with sunshine.他们的卧室充满阳光。The afternoon light flooded the little rooms.下午的阳光充满了各个小屋。A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters.他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。




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