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词汇 flocks
例句 The Thames was in spate, with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver.泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。The shepherd was trotting their flocks through the street.牧羊人驱赶羊群小跑着过街。During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.冬季时大群大群的海鸥会聚集在垃圾场和排污口。People came in flocks to see the new dam.人们成群结队地前来参观新建的水坝。They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.它们属于群居鸟,成群地觅食。They move with their flocks to upland pastures.他们带著牲畜迁往高原上的牧场。Great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.大群海鸥聚集在垃圾堆和污水排放口处。These cases all attracted flocks of famous writers.这些案件都吸引了大批知名作家的关注。Above the casbah flocks of doves wheeled and swooped.一群群鸽子在要塞上空盘旋俯冲。




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