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例句 Military bases are off limits to outsiders.军事基地禁止外人进入We need to let employees working off-site gain access to the network.我们需要让不在办公室工作的员工能够进入该网络。Certain kinds of treated wood can leach chemicals into the soil.某些经过处理的木材能够滤出化学品并使其进入土壤。They had to break the door down to get into the house.为了进入这幢房子,他们不得不把门撞破。The company is in transition as it adapts to the new management team.新的管理团队入驻,使得这家公司进入变革期。The competition is really hotting up now.现在比赛已进入白热化状态。The new coins will go into general circulation next year.新铸币将于明年进入全面流通。Visitors are not allowed to enter the building without an escort.没有护卫陪同,访客不得进入这栋大楼。The team made it into the play-offs as the/a wild card.这个队持外卡进入了季后赛。Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills.村民们说这个围栏将限制公众进入山区。The nation closed its doors to immigrants.那个国家已停止让移民进入I've been given a chance to stake a claim for a first-team place.我获得了进入一线球队的机会。The U.S. prohibited all flights to the country while the war was in progress.战争期间美国禁止所有飞机进入该国。Manchester United have a bye through to the second round.曼联队轮空直接进入第二轮比赛。He comforted himself with the view that the enemy was now at an impasse.他认为敌人已进入死胡同,以此来安慰自己。One of the bouncers lifted the velvet rope to let us enter the club.其中一个门卫升起护栏让我进入了俱乐部。Ellis Island in Manhattan was the point of entry of many American immigrants. 曼哈顿的埃利斯岛是很多移民进入美国的门户。The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site.公众不得进入导弹发射场两英里以内的范围。Bacteria can enter through a cut or graze on the skin.细菌可从皮肤上割伤或擦伤的地方进入体内。Choose your CD-ROMs and proceed to checkout.选择你要的光盘,然后进入订购付款处。It's thought she may eventually accept a peerage and move to the House of Lords.人们认为她最终可能会接受贵族头衔,进入上议院。Caesar's legions marched through France and crossed into Britain.恺撒的军团穿过法国进入英国。The show finally hit its stride in the second season.这个节目在第二季终于进入了状态。She hit puberty a year before any of her friends.她比自己的朋友早一年进入青春期。I don't allow the cat in the bedroom.我不允许猫进入卧室。Tight selection criteria were used in determining which candidates would be interviewed.我们根据严格的选拔标准确定哪些求职者能够进入面试。These players did not make the cut and are out of the competition.这些球员未能取得进入后两轮比赛的资格而被淘汰。We've reached the semi-finals. So far so good.我们进入了半决赛,到目前为止一切顺利。If the teat enters the cup, the suction of the milking machine ensures that it becomes attached.乳头进入奶杯后,吸奶器的吸力能确保乳房吸附在上面。The thief had broken in through a first-floor window.小偷是从二楼的窗户进入屋里的。The salesman went into the back room to get another pair of shoes for me to try.售货员进入后间又拿了一双鞋让我试穿。The losers are eliminated, and the winners go on to the next round.失败方被淘汰出局,获胜方进入下一轮比赛。The telecommunications satellite went into orbit at the end of last year.去年年底这颗通讯卫星进入了轨道。Williams has temporarily replaced Reed on the first team.威廉斯暂时替代里德进入了一队。If blood is spilled the countries will be at war.如果出现伤亡,这些国家就会进入交战状态。I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre.我已经做好了接受外科手术的准备,于是就直接进入了手术室。She wandered deep into the forest, blissful in her freedom.她走着走着就进入了森林的深处,自由自在,乐而忘返。A high grade in mathematics is one of the requirements for entry to medical school.数学高分是进入医学院的必要条件之一。Somehow the woman had gained access to his dressing room and was waiting there when he came off the stage.那名女子不知用什么办法进入了他的化妆室,在他走下舞台的时候正在那里等着他。He is regarded as a borderline case for inclusion in the grammar school.进入文法学校的学生中,他被认为是刚够资格的那种。




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