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词汇 flaw
例句 The superhero's only flaw is his inability to defeat his mortal enemy.这位超级英雄唯一的不足之处就是无法击败他的死敌。It took me a long time to find the flaw in her logic.我花了很长时间才找到她逻辑上的破绽。There was some fatal flaw in his make-up, and as time went on he began drinking more heavily.他的性格里有某种致命缺陷,随着时间的推移,他喝酒喝得更凶了。The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons.唯一瑕疵是按下按钮时,响应时间略微长了点。The flaw in the metal is apparent.金属上的瑕疵清楚可见。The main flaw in his character is his short temper.他性格的最大弱点是性子急。Pride, his one character flaw, caused his downfall.傲慢是他的一个性格缺陷,导致了他的垮台。His plan seemed foolproof, but I was sure there was a flaw somewhere.他的计划似乎万无一失,但我肯定什么地方有缺陷。The scheme later demonstrated a fatal flaw.这一方案不久暴露出了一个致命缺陷。There was some fatal flaw in his makeup, and as time went on he lapsed into long silences or became off-hand.他的性格有致命的缺陷,随着时间的推移,他陷入了久久的沉默,或者变得漠然。There was a tiny flaw in the diamond.这颗钻石有一处微小的瑕疵。Jealousy is Othello's major flaw.嫉妒是奥赛罗的主要缺点。A single flaw is the ruin of a diamond.一点瑕疵会断送一粒钻石。There was a hidden flaw in the airplane's design.这种飞机在设计上有一处不易察觉的瑕疵。The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。There's a flaw in your plan.你的计划有个缺陷。The plan contained a fatal flaw. 这一计划有个致命的缺陷。Unfortunately, this plate has a small flaw in it.可惜这个盘子有个小小的瑕疵。The old man could hardly stand on his feet in the flaw.老人在这阵狂风中几乎站不住了。The flaw that leads to Othello's downfall is his jealousy.导致奥赛罗毁灭的缺点就是他的忌妒心。There was a flaw in the vase.花瓶上有一处裂痕。Closer investigation showed a flaw in this theory.进一步的调查研究表明这个理论有一个缺陷。Vanity is the great flaw in her character.爱虚荣是她性格中的大缺点。This technical flaw was soon remedied.这个技术上的缺点不久就得到补救。Pride was his tragic flaw. 傲慢造成了他的悲剧。Vanity was the one flaw in his character.虚荣是他性格上的一个缺点。The book's major flaw is its brevity.这本书的主要缺点是太过简略。The markets have exposed the fatal flaw in the government's economic policy.市场已经暴露出政府经济政策中存在的致命漏洞。I can see no flaw in your argument.我觉得你的论据没什么问题。




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