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词汇 canceled
例句 The game was canceled on account of the rain.因为下雨比赛取消了。We canceled our magazine subscription when we moved.搬家后我们就停止订阅杂志了。The airline has canceled all outbound flights.这家航空公司取消了所有飞往外地的航班。The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.因为收视率太低,这档节目就要被取消。It rained, it snowed, and, to crown it all , our flight was canceled.又下雨,又下雪,而最糟糕的是,我们的航班被取消了。She canceled at the last minute. How do you like that?她在最后一刻取消了。你能相信吗?We were half/fully expecting that the game would be canceled.我们猜测/相信这场比赛将会被取消。We canceled our dinner reservation.我们取消了晚餐的预订。She was unhappy that her favorite television show was canceled.她最喜欢的电视节目取消了,对此她很不开心。The game show was a midseason replacement for a show that was canceled.有一档节目在播出季中期被取消,由这档电视有奖竞赛节目替代。The contract was canceled last month by mutual consent. 经双方同意,合同于上个月取消。The increase in the strength of their navy is canceled by that in our army.他们海军力量的增强和我方陆军力量的增强两者起了相互抵消的作用。My flight was canceled because of the storm.我的航班因暴风雨取消了。It has been brought to my attention that the meeting has been canceled.有人通知我会议取消了。We were very disconcerted to learn that our flight had been canceled.听说我们的航班已被取消,我们感到非常沮丧。Due to circumstances beyond our control , the flight is canceled.由于出现无法控制的情况,航班被取消。The coach canceled practice to give his team a rest.教练取消了训练,让队员们休息一下。The contract was canceled without prior notice. 这份合约在没有事先告知的情况下被取消了。As luck would have it, it rained the next day and the game was canceled.真不凑巧,第二天下雨,比赛取消了。The game was canceled due to unplayable conditions on the field.由于场地不能用,比赛取消了。Classes were canceled for the day.当天的课取消了。The awful effort involved in travel canceled out the possible pleasure she'd have.她为旅行所费的许多心力抵消了她可能得到的愉快。He canceled his insurance policy last month.他上个月撤销了保单。Occasionally something went wrong with the projector and the movie was canceled.放映机偶尔会出问题,这样就得取消播放电影了。The announcement that the concert was canceled was met with pandemonium.音乐会取消的公告引起一片骚动。After the class trip was canceled, the money was reallocated to cover the cost of the dance.班级旅行被取消后,这笔钱被转用于支付舞会的费用。I wish someone had told me the meeting was canceled.要是有人告诉过我会议取消了就好了。The crowd booed and hooted when it was announced that the show was canceled.当宣布演出取消时,观众嘘声一片,叫嚷起来。She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company.她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。His erratic behaviour canceled the good impression he had made previously.他的古怪行为抵消了以前他给人留下的好印象。Our flight was canceled at the last moment.我们的航班在最后一刻被取消了。Her flight was canceled, so she was left stranded at the airport.航班取消了,她被滞留在机场。She canceled her appointment with the dentist.她取消了和牙医的预约。The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.原定航班被取消了,乘客们只能在其他航线上试试运气。When her health insurance was canceled she had nothing to fall back on.她的健康保险被取消后,她就无所依靠了。The coach canceled practice to rest his team.教练取消了训练,让队员们休息一下。The picnic has been canceled because of bad weather.由于天气不好,野餐活动被取消了。The bank canceled my credit card.银行把我的信用卡销户了。The event was canceled at the last minute when the speaker didn't show up.这个活动因发言人没到场在最后一刻取消了。The tickets are nonrefundable unless the show is canceled.除非演出被取消,否则概不退票。




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