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词汇 flap
例句 Her fingers were too cold to lace the tent flap.她手指都冻僵了,无法系紧帐篷的帘子。I licked the flap of the envelope and sealed it.我舔了舔信封盖口,把它封好。He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down.他舔了舔信封口并把它封上。 Moisten the flap of the envelope with your tongue.用舌头把信封的封盖舔湿。He was widely criticized during the recent flap about his controversial new book.他备受争议的新书最近引起骚动,他在此期间受到广泛批评。Martha was in a terrible flap because the documents hadn't been delivered.由于文件尚未送出,玛莎感到极为不安。She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap with relish.她把信折好,用力舔了舔信封的折口。He got in a flap over the delays in the schedule.他对进度的拖延感到不安。A small flap of skin can be seen above the wound.可以看到伤口上结了一小块皮痂。She claimed to have had an affair with the candidate, which produced a huge media flap.她声称与候选人有一段风流韵事,这在媒体上引起了一片哗然。The surgeon cut a thin flap about a quarter of the way into the cornea.外科医生切开了四分之一厚度的角膜薄片。The parishioners were in a flap about the visit from the bishop.教区居民因为主教要来而忙乱起来。Just keep calm and don't flap.保持镇静,不要紧张。Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声。Everything was working smoothly, there was no flap.一切都很顺利,没有任何慌乱现象。They lay and listened to a slight stir and flap of the canvas.他们躺着倾听帆布微微晃动和鼓胀的声音。He pulled back the tent flap.他掀开了帐篷帘。She opened the tent flap and crawled outside.她掀开帐篷的门帘,爬了出来。She pressed down the flap of the envelope, but it didn't stick.她把信封的口盖往下压,但是粘不住。There was nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.周围一片寂静,只有一面绸旗轻轻摆动的声音。She hadn't sealed the envelope, but had simply tucked in the flap.她没有将信封封好,只将信封的口盖折进信封里。He held back the flap of the tent.他收回帐篷的门帘。I licked the flap and stuck it down.我舔了舔封舌然后把它粘上了。Sarah starts to flap the moment things don't go exactly as planned.若事情未完全按计划进行,萨拉就会开始不安。Wherever he goes there's always a flap.他到哪里都会引起一阵骚动。She unzipped the tent flap.她拉开了帐篷门帘的拉链。Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy?.为什么人们对核能惶恐不安呢?Rafi's in a bit of a flap over the wedding plans.拉菲对婚礼的安排有点着急。Why has there been such a political flap over his appointment?为什么针对他的任命出现了这样的政治混乱?They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.他们会一边聊天一边在阳台上啪啪地抖搂浴巾。Don't flap - there's plenty of time to cook before they arrive.别慌,在他们到来之前还有充裕的时间准备饭菜。The tent flap was pegged open.帐篷的门帘被掀开固定住。A loose flap of skin covered the wound.伤口上覆盖着一片快要脱落的皮。He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap.她叠好信,舔了舔信封的封口处。




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