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What are you flabbergasted and happy about?你感到大惊大喜是为什么? He was flabbergasted when we told him how cheap it was.我们告诉他这东西有多便宜时,他惊得目瞪口呆。The delivery men just left the furniture in my front yard. I was flabbergasted.送货的人把我的家具就放在前院里,我吓得目瞪口呆。Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.当我宣布我要移民去澳大利亚的时候,大家都惊呆了。We were flabbergasted by/at the news that he'd won the game.他在比赛中获胜的消息让我们非常惊讶。When I heard how much money we'd made, I was flabbergasted.听到我们赚了那么多钱,我大吃一惊。Doctors said they were flabbergasted at the decision to close the hospital.医生说他们对关闭医院的决定大为惊讶。 |