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词汇 fizzle out
例句 The whole project has fizzled out.整个计划终于告吹。The bomb fizzled out,and no one was hurt.炸弹嘶嘶冒烟后熄灭,无人受伤。The romance fizzled out quite quickly.这段浪漫史很快便无果而终。Romance bloomed, only to fizzle out two years later.爱情之花虽然绽放了,但却在两年后凋谢。The short-lived uprising fizzled out in the face of strong opposition from government forces.这场持续时间很短的暴动面对强大的政府军的镇压,终于失败了。They dated for a couple of months but the relationship fizzled out.他们约会了几个月,但这段关系以失败告终。Their romance just fizzled out.他们的这段恋情就这么不了了之了。The railway strike fizzled out on its second day as drivers returned to work.由于司机复工,铁路罢工第二天就草草收场了。Dance crazes tend to fizzle out quickly.对舞蹈的狂热往往转瞬即逝。The group's efforts at reform fizzled out after their leader left.这个小组的领导人离开以后,他们改革的努力逐渐夭折了。Their romance fizzled out after a few months.他们的浪漫情事几个月以后就告吹了。The plan fizzled out for lack of money.计划由于缺钱最终告吹。He had a great rookie season and then just fizzled out.他在新秀赛季时打得非常好,之后却销声匿迹了。The movie made a great start, but the action seemed to fizzle out halfway through.这部电影开头很不错,但是从中间开始就越演越差,最后草草收场。They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.由于他们上的不是同一所大学,两人的关系便逐渐结束了。




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