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词汇 办公室
例句 He was the office factotum.他是办公室的勤杂人员。She was on the phone when I went to her office.我去她办公室的时候,她正在打电话。He got back to the office just before lunchtime.他回到办公室的时候正好快要吃午饭了。She has a globe in her office.她的办公室里有个地球仪。We repeatedly tried to contact the manager, an elusive man who was never in his office.我们几次想跟经理联络,可他行踪不定,从不在办公室The sun was shining and I was in no hurry to get back to the office.阳光灿烂,我并不急着回到办公室去。The text of the lecture is available from the departmental office.可以从系办公室拿到讲座的讲稿。In the office, Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded, more relaxed.莱希博士在办公室里看起来没有那么谨小慎微,放松了许多。They had managed to mess up the whole office.他们竟然把整个办公室搞得乱糟糟的。News of her pregnancy soon got round (the office).她怀孕的消息迅速(在办公室)传开了。It was much too hot in his office to do any work.他的办公室太热了,什么事也干不成。The office has gone over to cable.办公室改用有线系统了。Have you ever had an office romance?你曾有过办公室恋情吗?What a relief to finally get away from the office.终于能离开办公室真让人松了一口气。The office is on the third floor.办公室在三楼。We always left his office in a state of confusion.我们总是一头雾水地离开他的办公室Douglas telephoned Catherine at her office. She refused to take his calls.道格拉斯把电话打进凯瑟琳的办公室,可是她不接。There is too much idle chatter in this office.这个办公室无聊的饶舌太多了。The bigger offices are meant for senior staff only.那些大一点的办公室是专给高级职员们用的。His office issued/released an official statement concerning his departure.他的办公室就他的离开发表了正式声明。Cleaning the office is not in my job description.打扫办公室不在我的职责范围内。I soon discovered I was at the bottom of the pile in the office hierarchy.我很快发现自己在办公室里处于最底层。An electrician started wiring the office for lights.一名电工开始给办公室接电灯线。You came to see me the other day with a business proposition.几天前你带着一份商业提案来我的办公室见我。Everything's confused at the office at the moment because of building work.由于施工,眼下办公室里一切都乱糟糟的。I've had a full day at the office.我在办公室忙了一整天。I waited in my office for a summons from the boss.我在办公室等候老板的召见。I was all alone in the office yesterday.昨天我独自一人待在办公室Ask someone in the office to show you out.办公室里的人送你出去吧。Roger has an office in the admin building.罗杰在行政楼有一间办公室She caught him nosing around in her papers/office.她当场发现他在她的文件/办公室里找东西。She uses the office phone to phone up her friends in Sweden.她用办公室的电话打给她在瑞典的朋友。She arrived at the office early and checked her post.她早早地到了办公室,查收了一下邮件。He made/beat a hasty retreat when he realized he had entered the wrong office.发现走错了办公室,他赶紧退了出去。All office workers should keep their personal belongings in a locked drawer.办公室里所有员工都应该把私人物件放在抽屉里锁好。There must be a copy of it kicking around the office somewhere.办公室的某个地方肯定会有一份副本。I asked the operator to put me through to her office.我让接线员把我的电话接到她的办公室The company is in the process of moving to new offices.该公司正搬往新的办公室His mother supported the family by cleaning offices.他母亲靠在办公室做清洁工来养家。It costs a lot to heat these offices.给这些办公室供热花费很大。




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