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词汇 first day
例句 It was Chinese women who stole the show on the first day of competition.比赛的第一天中国女队表现抢眼。He was late for his first day on the job.他第一天上班就迟到了。The West Indies have staged a dramatic fightback on the first day of the fifth test.西印度群岛队在第五场板球对抗赛的第一个比赛日发起了一次戏剧性的反攻。Right from my very first day I seemed to be in everyone's good books.自打第一天起,我好像就和每个人都很合得来。The boy took a shine to his new teacher the very first day.那男孩从第一天起就喜欢上了这位新教师。The rent is due on the first day of each month.每月的第一天付租金。I remember my first day of school like it was yesterday.回想我上学的第一天,还宛如昨日。The thermometer took a nose-dive the first day of winter.入冬第一天气温计的水银柱骤降。Payment is due on the first day of every month.付款期限为每月的第一天。The first day was dedicated to revelling and intoxication.头一天就是尽情饮酒作乐。It was absolute mayhem on the first day of the sales.大减价的第一天一片混乱。Sunday is the first day of the week.星期日是每周的第一天。A marvellous reception awaited me on my first day at work.上班第一天,迎接我的是盛大的欢迎会。The rental will be prorated if occupancy does not begin on the first day of the month.如果房客不是月初入住的话,租金将按比例计算。I had a fender bender on my first day.我第一天就出了个小事故。On the first day of the vacation we all slept late, then had a huge brunch.休假的第一天我们都起得很晚,然后吃了一顿丰富的早午餐。Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading.公司股票在首个交易日跌破了发行价。The first day of camp, a number of children cried for their parents. 野营的第一天,有些孩子哭着要他们的爸妈。He spent the first day hobnobbing with the management.第一天他整天都在和管理层交谈套近乎。On the first day of our holiday I'm always slightly manic.在我们假期的第一天,我总是有点狂热。The poor devil broke his leg on the first day of his skiing vacation.这个可怜人在滑雪度假的第一天就摔断了腿。Griffiths dined out on his accounts of his first day in the department.格里菲思被约请饭局,讲讲他在部里的首日见闻。He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.第一天他就因为胃疼得直不起腰来而离开了法庭。In the opening chapter, Ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school.在开头的一章里,罗莫娜坐在早餐桌前,想着第一天上学的事。There was a scramble to get into the shop on the first day of the bargain sales.在大甩卖的第一天,顾客们争先恐后拥进店门。My first day of school, and I have detention.我第一天上学就受到课后留校的处罚。He could scarcely jog around the block that first day.第一天他勉强绕着整个街区跑了下来。When you're a new kid in town, you always have to punch it out with the kids the first day or so.倘若你是新来乍到,那你就得在开头的一两天里跟城里的孩子们打出个输赢来。The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming.暑假刚开始时,开学显得那么遥远,现在却近在眼前。I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.我在新年的第一天启程,开始在美国的新冒险。I still remember my first day of school.我仍记得第一天上学的情形。Sick pay inures from the first day of illness.病假工资从生病第一天起执行。McArthur opened the bowling on the first day of the match.麦克阿瑟在比赛的第一天开了球。Do you remember your first day at school?你记得第一天上学的情景吗?He responded the first day by skipping school and beering up.他第一天就以逃学并大喝啤酒来作出自己的反应。Her first day at work was extremely bewildering.上班第一天的情形令她大惑不解。Do you want to buy commemorative stamps or first day covers, sir?先生,您要买纪念邮票还是首日封?We make 600 miles the first day.第一天我们航行了600英里。I feel very sorry for the competitors who have all worked themselves up to a very high pitch for this first day.我为第一天就已耗费相当大体力的参赛者感到非常惋惜。He was upset because it was the first day of the sale and Astrid had called in sick.他很生气,因为那是大减价的第一天,阿斯特丽德却打电话来请了病假。




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