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词汇 fire
例句 We watched the fire as it slowly burned down.我们看着火慢慢变小。Kevin set off the fire alarm for a laugh.凯文为了博大家一笑拉响了火警钟。He accidentally tipped over a candle, and the tablecloth caught fire.他不小心碰翻了蜡烛,桌布烧了起来。We waited for the sun to set before starting the fire.我们等到太阳落山才点火。She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire.她蹲在地上,伸出双手烤火。Our rifles were much more powerful and we were able to pick the enemy off before they could even fire at us.我们的来复枪火力大多了,敌人还没来得及朝我们开枪,我们就把他们逐个击毙了。When the hut was on fire people came to beat the flames with spankers.棚屋着火了,人们前来用拍击工具扑打火苗。This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every hour.这柴火烧得真快,要使火不灭,我们就得每小时添柴。The fire had discoloured the paintwork.炉火的烘烤使油漆变了颜色。Tenants must not obstruct access to fire equipment.房客不得阻塞通往灭火设备的过道。The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.家中失火的危险性在节日期间增加了。Her perfume mingled with the smell of woodsmoke from the fire.她的香水味和炉火里柴烟的味道混合在一起。They were finally able to pinpoint the cause of the fire.他们最终查明了火灾的原因。He pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't fire.他扣动扳机,但枪没响。Investigators still aren't sure what started the fire.调查人员仍然不能确定起火的原因。We roasted the peanuts over the fire.我们把花生放在火上烘烤。We sat and talked by the light of the fire.我们坐在火边,借着火光交谈。Those old boxes in the corridor are a fire risk.走廊里的旧箱子是火灾隐患。They lit their torches from the fire.他们在火上点燃了火把。The fire broke out in the dead of night.那场火是午夜时分烧起来的。The meeting had to be abandoned after local fire station officer, Dave Temple, was called away to a fire.当地消防队长戴夫・坦普尔出火警离开后,会议不得不取消。The shore battery opened fire.岸边的炮阵开火了。Firms are coming under fire for overcharging.各家公司正因要价过高而受到抨击。Investigators are trying to pinpoint the cause of the fire.调查人员正设法查明火灾的起因。The jury decided that Malich was sane when he opened fire.陪审团裁定马利希在开枪时神志正常。Everything should be done in order to prepare against fire.应该尽一切可能预防火灾。Her head appears to be on fire but that is only a trick of the light.她的头部看上去像是着火了,但那只是灯光造成的幻觉。I can't bring myself to fire him.解雇他这种事我做不出来。A spark shot out of the fire and burnt him.一个火星从火中迸出,烧伤了他。The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.响着警报器的消防车正要停下来。They used fire hoses to turn the mob.他们用救火水龙来驱赶闹事人群。They can call for a cease-fire to provide a conducive atmosphere for peace talks.他们呼吁停火,以便创造有助于和谈的气氛。Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.志向受挫会加剧一个人的怨怒之火。The great fire reduced the forest to a few trees.大火将整座森林烧得只剩下三五株树木。Turn on/off the fire.打开/关掉取暖器吧。If a fire starts in an engine, there is a detection system to pick it up.一旦发动机失火,检测系统就会探测到。The fire was quenched with a bucket of water.火被一桶水浇灭了。His house was a complete loss to the fire.他的房子在大火中化为灰烬。You put up the tent and I'll make a fire.你搭帐篷,我来生火。The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire.敌人在我们的重砲轰击下撤退了。




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