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词汇 finance
例句 It is alleged that the party used illegal methods to finance its campaign.据称该党用非法手段筹集竞选资金。The minister has been using public funds to finance private dealings.部长一直在挪用公共基金作为私人交易的经费。Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post as deputy finance minister.丑闻曝光后,他被解除了财政部副部长的职务。Trujillo held office as finance minister.特鲁希略担任财政部长一职。It is self-evident to most people that the government is under no obligation to finance the arts.大多数人都明白,政府没有义务一定要资助艺术。The deal will be inked at the office of the finance secretary.该协议将在财政大臣的办公室签定。He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.他的地位被自己的财政部长完全动摇了。The criticism was merely a warm-up for what is being prepared for the finance minister.对于财政部长即将面临的困境而言,这些批评只是个小小的开始。The use of IT in areas such as accounting and finance has grown at an astonishing rate.信息技术在会计和金融等行业的使用增长之迅速令人惊讶。The matter was discussed at a meeting of the finance committee.这件事在财务委员会的会议上讨论过了。We can't continue our research unless we get more finance.除非得到更多资金,否则我们就无法继续研究工作。They used illegal drug money to finance their terrorism campaign.他们用贩毒得来的赃款为恐怖活动提供经费。A share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of the building.已发行了股票为修复这栋大楼融资。I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned.财务方面由我说了算。The finance men had grown fat on managing other people's money.金融界人士为别人理财养肥了自己。The world of finance is fiendishly complicated.金融界极度复杂。As the finance company started to fail a few opportunists managed to make more money out of it.信贷公司开始走下坡路时,一些投机分子乘势捞了一笔。As a hub of finance and communications, Paris is now almost equal to London.作为一个金融和交通中心,巴黎现在几乎可媲美伦敦。He majored in finance at Claremont Men's College in California.他在加利福尼亚州的克莱尔蒙特男子学院主修金融专业。Have enough funds been allocated to finance the project?是否有足够的资金投入到了这个项目?I wasn't sure I could hack the finance course.能否应付财政学这门课我没有把握。Rumours of an emergency meeting of the finance committee stoked the atmosphere of crisis.财政部长们召开紧急会议的谣传使人感到危机重重。Senator McCain is deeply committed to campaign finance reform.参议员麦凯恩全心投入到金融改革中。The government will finance its spending through taxes.政府将通过税收为其支出提供资金。Click here to download a demo of the new version of our personal finance software.点击这里下载我们新版个人金融软件的演示程序。Additional finance may be necessary to meet expanding needs.为应付日益扩大的需要,也许有必要增加资金。The company went deep into debt to finance the development of the engine.公司为投资引擎开发负债累累。The next step was to obtain finance to develop the project.下一步是要筹措到资金开发该项目。She is probably the most influential member of the finance committee.她也许是财政委员会中最具影响力的人物。The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry.经济部已经越来越成了财政部的附属了。The finance department handles all the accounts.财务部处理所有账目。I was a complete innocent in the cutthroat world of high finance.我在竞争残酷的金融圈里算是个完全无知的人。Scott is now the finance director, after a long game of musical chairs among top management.经过高级管理层长期的人员变动后,斯科特现在是财务总监。He's now studying international banking and finance.他目前正在研究国际银行业和金融。He's on the finance committee.他在财政委员会任职。We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely.新武器研发的费用总是大大超支,却还要试图让纳税人出钱资助,我们应该制止这一荒谬至极的行为。Public funding could resolve the controversy surrounding campaign finance.公共基金能够解决围绕竞选资金引发的争议。The finance minister backtracked on his decision.财政部长收回了他的决定。Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance.日本企业一直在从生产制造转移,转向了金融。The average worker's long-term financial security will depend upon having a well-thought-out personal finance plan.普通工人的长期经济安全靠的是深思熟虑的个人金融计划。




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