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例句 News of the decision filtered out to reporters.有关这个决定的消息慢慢传到了记者们那里。His ideas have filtered down to his children.他的想法逐渐影响到了孩子们。The water is filtered to remove any impurities.这种水经过滤以去除杂质。Moonlight filtered in through the frosted window.月光透过磨砂玻璃窗照射进来。Rumours of the likelihood of an upset filtered in from the polling stations.从投票站传出了可能出现冷门结果的传言。Rumours filtered out that the band's next album would be its last.有传言传出来说该乐队下一张专辑将是他们的最后一张。The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.起居室被透过窗帘照进来的阳光染上了一丝金黄色。News of the attack quickly filtered through the college.有关袭击的消息很快就在该学院中传开了。News of the defeat filtered through.失败的消息走漏了出来。The water was filtered through charcoal.这水是透过炭来过滤的。Rays of light filtered through the trees.一束束光线透过树木照射下来。Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。The crowd filtered into the arena.人群陆续走进表演场。Most of the cars filtered off to the right.大多数汽车看到分流指示灯的信号后向右转弯。Everything we download from the Internet is automatically filtered through our virus software.我们从因特网上下载的所有东西杀毒软件都会自动进行过滤。Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。These new ideas have not yet filtered down to sales staff.这些新想法还没有传到销售人员那里。The familiar notes of Beethoven's 'Fur Elise' filtered from the bar.贝多芬《致爱丽丝》那熟悉的音符从酒吧传来。A few street-lamps filtered their light through the trees.几盏路灯透过树木露出亮光。Sunlight filtered dustily through the slats of the door.阳光透过门上的板条照射进满是尘土的室内。A cold, diffuse light filtered in through the skylight.一道冰冷的光线透过天窗漫射进来。Sunlight filtered through the drawn shades.阳光从拉下的窗帘里透了进来。Reports filtered in of trouble in the outlying districts.有关边远地区动乱的传闻慢慢传来了。The water in the tank is constantly filtered.鱼缸里的水在不停地过滤。The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂的空气经过滤以清除污染物。The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂里的空气要经过过滤,以清除其中的杂质。Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the honey locust tree.光线透过皂荚树柔和的绿荫照进我的厨房。The noise of the traffic filtered through the heavy curtains.车辆的噪声透过厚重的窗帘传进来。Sound filtered through from the practice rooms down the corridor.声音从练习室传到了走廊。The news gradually filtered through from Bombay last night.昨晚消息渐渐从孟买传开了。People filtered into the auditorium.人们缓缓步入会堂。




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