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词汇 fields
例句 Cornflowers grow in profusion in the fields.田里长满了矢车菊。You didn't need an education to strike it rich in the oil fields - just a grubstake and plenty of luck.你不需要受过教育才能在油田上致福,你只需要投入资金并有好运降临。He hired himself to work in the fields.他受雇在田间干活。All around the furrows in the fields were filled with snow.田里的犁沟都填满了积雪。The jets ducked low over the fields.几架喷气式飞机急剧下降,在田野低空掠过。The fields were blanketed with flowers.田野上开满了鲜花。The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.附近河流涨出的河水淹没了低地。The topic is a spacious one, opening into many fields.这个题目的范围很广,涉及许多领域。The horses loped easily across/over the fields.马儿在牧场上轻松地奔跑。The fields next to the school are used for recreation.学校旁边的场地用于娱乐。Farm labourers have to toil in the fields all day.农场工人不得不整天在田地里辛勤劳动。The fields are ploughed as soon as the winter crop is removed.冬季作物一收割完毕就犁地。The Shatin rice fields have long vanished beneath a new town of skyscrapers and motorways.沙田的稻田早已被摩天大楼林立、高速公路交错的新市镇所淹没了。People were working in the fields.人们正在地里干活儿。The general authorized the withdrawal of troops from the fields.将军批准部队从战场上撤离。Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground.田野里和荒地上会疯长蓍草。The fields where we played are all built up now.曾经是我们玩耍场所的田野如今都已盖满了房子。The fields are shaded by trees.原野上树木成荫。The loss of the oil fields will further cripple the economy.失去油田将会进一步削弱经济。The mysterious circles appeared in the fields overnight, as if by magic.一夜之间,田地里出现了神秘的圆圈,令人难以解释。These fields boast among the highest professional wages in the nation.这些领域有着全国行业中属于最高的薪酬。Small groups of men kept guard in the fields.人们分成小组在田间守护。Germany's coal reserves were concentrated in a few large fields.德国的煤炭储备集中在几个大的露天矿场。I went out, armed with my binoculars, to see what I could find in the fields.我拿着双筒望远镜走出门,去看看在田野里能发现什么。The house sits prettily among fields of wild flowers.房子四周有野花点缀,十分漂亮。Yet officials are having to march up hill and down dale re-measuring thousands of fields in Britain.然而公职人员不得不翻山越岭来重新丈量英国的成千上万块田地。Instead of harvesting wheat at a loss, they plan to graze cattle on their fields.他们不再去亏本种小麦了,而是打算在自己田里牧牛。Thatched huts were raised high above the paddy fields on stilts.茅草屋用梉柱高高地建在稻田之上。Most of the faculty members at this college are doctors in their fields.这个学院的大部分教员都是他们本专业的博士。TV viewers saw the giant funnel of a tornado speeding across the fields.电视观众看到巨大的漏斗状龙卷风从田野上疾扫而过。The fields were lush with grass and flowers.田野里花草繁茂。The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.这架战斗机的电路系统有防护装置,不会受强磁场的干扰。He planted fields full of sunflowers.他在地里种满了向日葵。Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities.城市北面的一些空地将改建成运动场,用于休闲活动。We looked at the fields of ripening wheat and barley.我们看了看地里那些快要成熟的小麦和大麦。The fields are aflame with flowers of every color.田野里鲜花怒放,五彩缤纷。It's too woody here — I prefer open fields.这里树木太多,我倒更喜欢空旷的田野。The labourers were at work in the fields.劳动者们正在田间劳动。We trudged slowly through the fields.我们步履艰难地慢慢穿过田野。There is a belt of trees between the two fields.那两块地之间有一片狭长树林。




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